oravirt / ansible-oracle-modules

Oracle modules for Ansible
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ERROR! 'with_item' is not a valid attribute for a Task in oracle_sql #132

Closed anandsolomon closed 4 years ago

anandsolomon commented 4 years ago

I am trying to use with_item to read the sql from a file.

- name: Script will revoke grants from certain user for complaince in AWS RDS
    username: "{{user}}"
    password: "{{password}}"
    service_name: "{{sname}}"
    port: "{{prt}}"
    hostname: "{{hostname}}"
    sql: "{{ item }}"
  with_item: "{{ sqls }}"
  environment: "{{oracle_env}}"
  register: query_result
  connection: local

I am getting ERROR! 'with_item' is not a valid attribute for a Task. Is this supported in oracle_sql module.

oravirt commented 4 years ago

with_items: You’re missing a ‘s’

anandsolomon commented 4 years ago

Thanks !!!