oravirt / ansible-oracle-modules

Oracle modules for Ansible
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oracle_pdbs/roles/grants: Object privileges only work with 1 privilege? #85

Open matthiaslink77 opened 5 years ago

matthiaslink77 commented 5 years ago


If I try to add object privileges to a created role in a PDB, but it only succeeds if I have 1 single privilege.

With 2 it already fails.

Maybe I am missing the syntax here, but to my understanding it should work as follows:

oracle_pdbs: ... roles:


As soon as I have the 2nd line of "select on..." in there, the task fails: "msg": "Something went wrong while executing sql - ORA-00905: missing keyword sql: grant select on dba_users,select on dba_advisor_findings to myRole1"}

Does this have to be splitted differently or did I miss something?

Thanks a lot for helping me out here.

Best regards, Matthias.

oravirt commented 5 years ago


So, the privilege model is split onto 3 parts e.g

          - name: approle1
            grants_mode: enforce
                    - create session
                    - select ANY table
                    - dba
                    - select:appuser.table1
                    - delete,update:sys.dba_tablespaces
                    - execute:sys.dbms_lock
                    - read,write:sys.mydir

and then the task looks something like:

 - name: Manage role-grants
           hostname={{ hostname }}
           service_name={{ service_name }}
           mode={{ mode |default (omit) }}
           user={{ user | default (omit) }}
           password={{ password | default (omit) }}
           role={{ item.name }}
           grants={{ item.role_grants | default (omit)}}
           object_privs={{ item.object_privs | default (omit)}}
           directory_privs={{ item.directory_privs | default (omit)}}
           grants_mode={{ item.grants_mode | default (omit)}}
    environment: "{{oracle_env}}"
         - "{{ roles }}"

grants_mode: enforce/append enforce means that the module will apply the state to the role/user, meaning that whatever privileges you had before will be replaced with the input to the module. append will just append privileges and not remove any

Hope this helps! Best Regards /M

matthiaslink77 commented 5 years ago


thanks for clarifying. I did not see any example, so this helped! But if I do it like this:

oracle_pdbs: ... users:

I will get all the object privs now, but the system privs are completely empty. What am I missing?

Best regards, Matthias.

oravirt commented 5 years ago

What does the task look like?

If you have an entire playbook I can use, or a gist with the relevant task/variables that I can run would help.

matthiaslink77 commented 5 years ago

I am using your default role oradb-manage-grants and just saw it would be "grants" instead of "role_grants":

I noticed, the directory_privs are missing here. Are you going to add them as well?

Best regards, Matthias.

oravirt commented 5 years ago

Great! Yes, I'll add directory_privs as well