Closed daverod24 closed 6 years ago
This is not a bug in ansible-oracle. Oracle did some changes in DBCA in which breaks a lot of configurations arround the control_files:
Controlfiles Are Not Getting Created In The Specified Location When Using DBCA Template To Create Database (Doc ID 2405522.1)
Mikaeel told me that he is already working on the workarround from Oracle. We have to use an undocumented parameter in dbca to fix the problem which is related to a changed behavior of the DBCA in 12.1 and 12.2. I didn't checked it against 18c but I won't be surprised when we see a similar issue in DBCA.
It is similar to the problem with db_recovery_file_dest_size
. Always use bytes as a value for this parameter. Otherwise the DBCA will mess it up and you struggle with problems during the execution...
The bugs in cost me some hours in the last 2 weeks.
I forgot a simpel fix
Use uppercase names for db_name and db_unique_name. That should work:
db_name=ORCL db_unique_name=ORCL
The db_unique_name
is not mandatory but when you like to use the parameter please use uppercase, because the DBCA tries to create the files inside of <db_create_file_dest>/<db_unique_name | default(db_name)>
Hi, thanks for the help. @Rendanic
I have another little detail with that same thing I put in the file config.rb that is in vagrant-vbox-si-fs the names in capital letters of the cbd and pdb but I'm getting an error with the tablespace that the listener can not connect.
TASK [oradb-manage-tablespace : Manage tablespaces (pdb)] **********************
failed: [db-fs-1] (item=({u'users': [{u'state': u'present', u'grants': [u'approle1'], u'default_tablespace': u'appuser1_data', u'schema': u'appuser1'}], u'cdb': u'orclcdb', u'init_parameters': [{u'scope': u'both', u'state': u'present', u'name': u'db_create_file_dest', u'value': u'/u02/oradata/'}], u'pdb_name': u'orclpdb1', u'datafile_dest': u'/u02/oradata/', u'state': u'present', u'roles': [{u'state': u'present', u'grants': [u'create session', u'create table', u'select any table', u'select any dictionary'], u'name': u'approle1'}], u'services': [{u'state': u'started', u'name': u'app1_service'}], u'home': u'18300-base'}, {u'name': u'users', u'autoextend': False, u'state': u'present', u'next': u'5M', u'content': u'permanent', u'maxsize': u'500M', u'bigfile': True, u'size': u'10M'})) => {"changed": false, "item": [{"cdb": "orclcdb", "datafile_dest": "/u02/oradata/", "home": "18300-base", "init_parameters": [{"name": "db_create_file_dest", "scope": "both", "state": "present", "value": "/u02/oradata/"}], "pdb_name": "orclpdb1", "roles": [{"grants": ["create session", "create table", "select any table", "select any dictionary"], "name": "approle1", "state": "present"}], "services": [{"name": "app1_service", "state": "started"}], "state": "present", "users": [{"default_tablespace": "appuser1_data", "grants": ["approle1"], "schema": "appuser1", "state": "present"}]}, {"autoextend": false, "bigfile": true, "content": "permanent", "maxsize": "500M", "name": "users", "next": "5M", "size": "10M", "state": "present"}], "msg": "Could not connect to database - ORA-12514: TNS:listener does not currently know of service requested in connect descriptor, connect descriptor: (DESCRIPTION=(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=TCP)(HOST=db-fs-1)(PORT=1521))(CONNECT_DATA=(SERVICE_NAME=orclpdb1)))"}
failed: [db-fs-1] (item=({u'users': [{u'state': u'present', u'grants': [u'approle1'], u'default_tablespace': u'appuser1_data', u'schema': u'appuser1'}], u'cdb': u'orclcdb', u'init_parameters': [{u'scope': u'both', u'state': u'present', u'name': u'db_create_file_dest', u'value': u'/u02/oradata/'}], u'pdb_name': u'orclpdb1', u'datafile_dest': u'/u02/oradata/', u'state': u'present', u'roles': [{u'state': u'present', u'grants': [u'create session', u'create table', u'select any table', u'select any dictionary'], u'name': u'approle1'}], u'services': [{u'state': u'started', u'name': u'app1_service'}], u'home': u'18300-base'}, {u'name': u'appuser1_data', u'autoextend': False, u'state': u'present', u'next': u'5M', u'content': u'permanent', u'maxsize': u'500M', u'bigfile': True, u'size': u'10M'})) => {"changed": false, "item": [{"cdb": "orclcdb", "datafile_dest": "/u02/oradata/", "home": "18300-base", "init_parameters": [{"name": "db_create_file_dest", "scope": "both", "state": "present", "value": "/u02/oradata/"}], "pdb_name": "orclpdb1", "roles": [{"grants": ["create session", "create table", "select any table", "select any dictionary"], "name": "approle1", "state": "present"}], "services": [{"name": "app1_service", "state": "started"}], "state": "present", "users": [{"default_tablespace": "appuser1_data", "grants": ["approle1"], "schema": "appuser1", "state": "present"}]}, {"autoextend": false, "bigfile": true, "content": "permanent", "maxsize": "500M", "name": "appuser1_data", "next": "5M", "size": "10M", "state": "present"}], "msg": "Could not connect to database - ORA-12514: TNS:listener does not currently know of service requested in connect descriptor, connect descriptor: (DESCRIPTION=(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=TCP)(HOST=db-fs-1)(PORT=1521))(CONNECT_DATA=(SERVICE_NAME=orclpdb1)))"}
This should really be reported in the correct repo (, as this doesn't really have anything to do with) the ansible-oracle
But, the problem is that I haven't had time (yet) to externalize the oracle_pdbs
dictionary in config/oracle.rb
& Vagrantfile
, so it falls back to the default name of oraclepdb1
and most likely (haven't tested the theory yet) that's why you're getting the error (as the pdb orclpdb1
doesn't exist)
thank you I made the changes you told me and it worked
I have this issue when I run the ansible playbook I get this error at the end I am installing oracle 12c the binaries are:,
here I put the logs because I'm not creating the controlfile of the redo
I hope you can help me, it would be excellent to document a little more that should be changed to make a cleaner installation with the ansible.
thanks in advance, best regards