oravirt / ansible-oracle

Oracle related stuff. Installs RAC/RAC One Node/Single Instance
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source does not exist #145

Closed pchapman869 closed 5 years ago

pchapman869 commented 5 years ago

Hi, I've tried a number of things and am stumped. Any help would be Greatly appreciated!

ansible version : 2.7, vagrant 2.2 on ubuntu 16.04

Am getting through many tasks ok, but this...

TASK [oraswgi-install : install-home-gi | Extract files to stage-area (GI) (from remote location )] *** failed: [racnode-dc1-1] (item={u'creates': u'grid/stage/sizes/oracle.crs.', u'version': u'', u'filename': u'linuxamd64_12102_grid_1of2.zip'}) => {"changed": false, "item": {"creates": "grid/stage/sizes/oracle.crs.", "filename": "linuxamd64_12102_grid_1of2.zip", "version": ""}, "msg": "Source '/media/swrepo/linuxamd64_12102_grid_1of2.zip' does not exist"}

hosts.yml src seems to be ignored!! I've even put the correct files in /media/swrepo and made sure it world readable. The files do exist in /media/swrepo .

even tried this . . . synced_folders:

(I cannot seem to enable verbose logging)

oravirt commented 5 years ago

Hi - can you show me your host.yml ?

pchapman869 commented 5 years ago

Thanks Mikael! .git/vagrant-vbox-rac/hosts.yml

oravirt commented 5 years ago

Ok - one problem is this:

  - {src: /home/pc/swrepo, dest: /home/pc}

It has to be changed to:

  - {src: /home/pc/swrepo, dest: /media/swrepo}

src: is the path on the host dest: is where src should be mounted inside the guest (VM)

So in your case, you're mounting/home/pc/swrepo at /home/pc in the VM's, and Ansible is expecting to find the installation media at /media/swrepo

Try this first and let me know how that goes.


pchapman869 commented 5 years ago

Thanks Mikael that works fine.

pchapman869 commented 5 years ago

these scripts save a LOT of time!

oravirt commented 5 years ago

That’s the idea ;-)