Using a Gemini2, we observe that the depth frames are trailing the rgb images visually by about 500ms. On the other hand, the timestamps of the corresponding ros messages are at maximum 30ms apart. Do you have any explanation for the discrepancy?
In the launch file, there are various settings parameters which might influence this, such as 'depth_delay_us', 'color_delay_us' or maybe also 'sync_mode'. Do you have any suggestions how they might be used to influence the behavior described above?
Using a Gemini2, we observe that the depth frames are trailing the rgb images visually by about 500ms. On the other hand, the timestamps of the corresponding ros messages are at maximum 30ms apart. Do you have any explanation for the discrepancy?
In the launch file, there are various settings parameters which might influence this, such as 'depth_delay_us', 'color_delay_us' or maybe also 'sync_mode'. Do you have any suggestions how they might be used to influence the behavior described above?