I registered a bag file using UI OrbbecViewer, after that I wanted to read this file and extract point clouds from it leveraging the pyorbbec SDK, here the code:
When I try to retrieve camera parameters from Pipeline object I obtain all values set to zero and for this reason I can't obtain the point cloud, here the output:
I managed to visualize the point cloud hard coding the parameters of cx, cy, fx, fy, width and height of both depth_intrinsic and rgb_intrinsic, here is the code:
I registered a bag file using UI OrbbecViewer, after that I wanted to read this file and extract point clouds from it leveraging the pyorbbec SDK, here the code:
When I try to retrieve camera parameters from Pipeline object I obtain all values set to zero and for this reason I can't obtain the point cloud, here the output:
I managed to visualize the point cloud hard coding the parameters of cx, cy, fx, fy, width and height of both depth_intrinsic and rgb_intrinsic, here is the code:
How can I obtain the parameters from the camera? Why when I ran the first snippet of code I retrieve all values equal to zero?