orbisgis / geoclimate

Geospatial processing toolbox for environmental and climate studies
GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0
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Problem generating LCZ classification for BDTopo version 3.3 #891

Open EmmanuelleKerjouan opened 9 months ago

EmmanuelleKerjouan commented 9 months ago

The aim is to generate an LCZ classification for the Nancy Metropole area, with data from the BDTopo 3.3. The coordinates of the zone are as follows : 6836343.6284,924280.9312,6855225.3440,944570.1370 (EPSG : 2154) However, we obtain this error: "Caught: org.h2.jdbc.JdbcSQLSyntaxErrorException: Table "ZONE_D_ACTIVITE_OU_D_INTERET_TMP" non trouvée Table "ZONE_D_ACTIVITE_OU_D_INTERET_TMP" not found; SQL statement: CREATE TABLE zone_d_activite_ou_d_interet AS SELECT ID, st_setsrid(the_geom, 2154) as the_geom, CATEGORIE, NATURE, FICTIF FROM zone_d_activite_ou_d_interet_tmp WHERE the_geom && 'SRID=0;POLYGON ((923280.9312 6835343.6284, 923280.9312 6856225.344, 945570.137 6856225.344, 945570.137 6835343.6284, 923280.9312 6835343.6284))'::GEOMETRY AND ST_INTERSECTS(the_geom, 'SRID=0;POLYGON ((923280.9312 6835343.6284, 923280.9312 6856225.344, 945570.137 6856225.344, 945570.137 6835343.6284, 923280.9312 6835343.6284))'::GEOMETRY) AND (CATEGORIE='Administratif' OR CATEGORIE='Enseignement' OR CATEGORIE='Santé') [42102-224]"

ebocher commented 9 months ago

I'm on it

ebocher commented 9 months ago

To be sure about the issue. You set a bbox as input to process the Nancy area right ? So you have locations : [[6836343.6284,924280.9312,6855225.3440,944570.1370]]

EmmanuelleKerjouan commented 9 months ago

Yes, exactly.

ebocher commented 9 months ago

I'm on it

ebocher commented 9 months ago

So I run a test case with the bbox [[6836343.6284,924280.9312,6855225.3440,944570.1370]] and the BDTopo 3.3 (version BDTOPO_3-3_TOUSTHEMES_SHP_LAMB93_D054_2023-09-15) downloaded on IGNF website and I'm not able to reproduce the issue. See the result LCZ geoms

EmmanuelleKerjouan commented 8 months ago

The problem isn't with version 3.3 of BDTopo. The error probably stems from the number of characters in the path where it fetches the data. The test was performed with two different paths:

In the first case, the error occurs, but not in the second.

ebocher commented 7 months ago

This issue is related to the H2GIS FILE_TABLE function