orbisgis / geoclimate

Geospatial processing toolbox for environmental and climate studies
GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0
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org.h2.jdbc.JdbcSQLNonTransientException: Exception lors de l'appel de la fonction définie par l'utilisateur #923

Closed adwien closed 3 months ago

adwien commented 7 months ago

My case with BD_topo_V3 doesn't work: the json file is: '''{ "description": "Processing BDTopo v3 data", "input": { "folder": "/home/adrien/Documents/mes_scripts/Geoclimate/BD_TOPO_v3/Rouen", "locations":["76540"], "srid" : 76540 }, "output": { "folder": "/home/adrien/Documents/mes_scripts/Geoclimate/projet/Rouen" }, "parameters": { "rsu_indicators": { "indicatorUse": [ "LCZ", "TEB", "UTRF" ], "svfSimplified": true, "estimateHeight": true }, "grid_indicators": { "x_size": 100, "y_size": 100, "rowCol": false, "output" : "geojson", "indicators" :["BUILDING_FRACTION", "BUILDING_HEIGHT", "BUILDING_POP", "BUILDING_TYPE_FRACTION", "WATER_FRACTION", "VEGETATION_FRACTION", "ROAD_FRACTION", "IMPERVIOUS_FRACTION", "FREE_EXTERNAL_FACADE_DENSITY", "BUILDING_HEIGHT_WEIGHTED", "BUILDING_SURFACE_DENSITY", "SEA_LAND_FRACTION", "ASPECT_RATIO", "SVF", "HEIGHT_OF_ROUGHNESS_ELEMENTS", "TERRAIN_ROUGHNESS_CLASS", "UTRF_AREA_FRACTION", "UTRF_FLOOR_AREA_FRACTION", "LCZ_PRIMARY"] } } }

this gives this error: org.h2.jdbc.JdbcSQLNonTransientException: Exception lors de l'appel de la fonction définie par l'utilisateur: "intersection(GEOMETRYCOLLECTION (POLYGON ((561784.2 6926516.725000001, 561786.8 6926517.7, 561790.6 6926507.9, 561784.2 6926505.438461538, 561784.2 6926512.461538462, 561784.3 6926512.5, 561784.2 6926512.746666667, 561784.2 6926516.725000001)), POINT (561784.2 6926500.9)), POLYGON ((561684.2 6926496.4, 561784.2 6926496.4, 561784.2 6926596.4, 561684.2 6926596.4, 561684.2 6926496.4))): Overlay input is mixed-dimension" Exception calling user-defined function: "intersection(GEOMETRYCOLLECTION (POLYGON ((561784.2 6926516.725000001, 561786.8 6926517.7, 561790.6 6926507.9, 561784.2 6926505.438461538, 561784.2 6926512.461538462, 561784.3 6926512.5, 561784.2 6926512.746666667, 561784.2 6926516.725000001)), POINT (561784.2 6926500.9)), POLYGON ((561684.2 6926496.4, 561784.2 6926496.4, 561784.2 6926596.4, 561684.2 6926596.4, 561684.2 6926496.4))): Overlay input is mixed-dimension"; SQL statement:

                          DROP TABLE IF EXISTS upper_table_join [90105-224]
at org.h2.message.DbException.getJdbcSQLException(DbException.java:566)
at org.h2.message.DbException.getJdbcSQLException(DbException.java:489)
at org.h2.message.DbException.get(DbException.java:212)

I'm using the srid opton in the json file as explained on https://github.com/orbisgis/geoclimate/wiki/Frequently-Asked-Questions (if not it doesn't work and gives the "Cannot find a SRID value for the layer commune.shp. Please set a valid OGC prj or use the parameter srid to force it.")

ebocher commented 7 months ago

It seems that your are using an invalid srid. Please replace "srid" : 76540 by "srid" : 2154

adwien commented 7 months ago

thanks for this advice, but using srid :2154, I have the same error

ebocher commented 6 months ago

Fixed with #934 Please test the last snaphot version

j3r3m1 commented 6 months ago

@adwien is this problem solved ?