Closed ebocher closed 3 weeks ago
This PR adds new utilities functions to interact with the Overpass api.
Download osm data as csv file and import it
SELECT ST_OverpassDownloader('out: csv(\"name\")]; area[name=\"Paimpol\"];nwr(area)[railway=station];out;', '/tmp/placenames.csv', true): SELECT name FROM CSVREAD('/tmp/placenames.csv', null, 'fieldSeparator=\t')
Counting the number of building
select ST_OverpassDownloader(CONCAT('[bbox:', ST_AsOverpassBbox(st_Expand('SRID=4326;POINT(-2.781140 47.643182)'::GEOMETRY, 0.001)), ']', '[out:csv(::count, ::\"count:nodes\", ::\"count:ways\", ::\"count:relations\")][timeout:25];(nwr[building=yes];); out count;'), '/tmp/count_building', true )
ST_AsOverpassBbox function is used to generate the bbox signature.
Plus fix all javadoc
This PR adds new utilities functions to interact with the Overpass api.
Download osm data as csv file and import it
Counting the number of building
ST_AsOverpassBbox function is used to generate the bbox signature.
Plus fix all javadoc