orbit1690 / Scouting-2019

This repository is a translation of 2019's scouting app from Scratch to Elm
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Build the match setup page #1

Open orbit1690 opened 4 years ago

orbit1690 commented 4 years ago

Remember this year's scouting app? Good! Now let's build the first page of that app in elm. The page consists of various fields to insert the scouter and the scouted team information.

itasgaming commented 4 years ago

For the "Start button to start the scouting" I wanted to use onclick, but this command happens once. which command should I use?

giladwo commented 4 years ago


For the "Start button to start the scouting" I wanted to use onclick, but this command happens once. which command should I use?

You should implement a toggle, and a checkbox might be a good representation. For instance:

checkbox : msg -> String -> Html msg
checkbox msg name =
        [ style "padding" "20px" ]
        [ input [ type_ "checkbox", onClick msg ] []
        , text name

(taken from https://github.com/dwyl/learn-elm/blob/master/examples/checkboxes.elm#L69)