orbitalapi / demos

A series of demos, showing features of Orbital and TaxiQL
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Brain dump of demos #7

Open martypitt opened 1 week ago

martypitt commented 1 week ago

Add comments to this issue to capture demos that we need to build. We'll review, then split them out into seperate issues

martypitt commented 6 days ago

This is a dump of interesting snippets we need to document / showcase in Taxi playground.

Add to this rough 'n' ready whenever we encounter something that we want to ensure is shown.

One's we've built on-the-fly:

can use a variable from a saved query in a field projection

      query FindSomeFilms( starring : PersonName ) {
         find { Film[] } as  {
            title: Title
            starring: filter(Actor[], (PersonName) -> PersonName == starring) as {
              name : PersonName

Filtering a stream using .filterEach()

Defining / refining scope in a projection:

assigning a name to the scope:

See can project using a named scope at the top level

find { Film[] } as (film:Film) -> {
   movieName : film.title

Refining to a property:

see: a projection can refine whats in scope

            model Film {
               title : Title inherits String
               cast : Actor[]
            model Actor {
               name : Name inherits String

find { Film } as (Actor[]) -> {
  actorName : Name
  filmTitle : Title // should be null, as it's out-of-scope on Actor

Refining using a function

see: expressions in projection scopes can trigger discovery:

         find { Film } as (first(Actor[])) -> { // note that film has been removed from the scope...
            title : Title //... so we expect this isn't discoverable.
            starring : ActorName

Alternatively, with film in scope:

         find { Film } as (Film, first(Actor[])) -> { // Here, Film is in scope...
            title : Title // .. so this is knowable
            starring : ActorName

not sure what to call this:

         find { Film[] } as (film:Film) -> {
               title : FilmTitle
               star : singleBy(film.cast, (Actor) -> Actor::ActorId, film.headliner) as (actor:Actor) -> {
                  name : actor.name
                  title : film.title

Note - if we make singleBy an extension function (and we should), that gets simplified to:

         find { Film[] } as (film:Film) -> {
               title : FilmTitle
               star : film.cast.singleBy((Actor) -> Actor::ActorId, film.headliner) as (actor:Actor) -> {
                  name : actor.name
                  title : film.title

Projecting an inline array:

see ProjectionsOnArraysTest.wtf:

            type FilmId inherits Int
            model Film {
               title : FilmTitle inherits String
               cast : CastId inherits Int
            model Actor {
               name : PersonName inherits String
            model FilmCast {
               actors : Actor[]
            service Movies {
               operation findFilm(FilmId):Film
               operation getCast(CastId):FilmCast

Queried, loads from multiple services:

         given { FilmId = 1 }
         find { Film } as {
            actor : first(Actor[]) as {
               firstName : PersonName

Scoped params on tests:

Passing a filmId as input to query

query FindFilm( filmId : FilmId ) {
   find { Film( FilmId == filmId ) }


see: can use a cast expression against a parameter in a given clause

         type PersonId inherits String
         type HumanId inherits String

         query findPerson(personId : PersonId) {
            given { humanId : HumanId = (HumanId) personId }
            find { human : HumanId }

Casting in a given clause:

see: can use a cast expression in a given clause

         type PersonId inherits String
         type HumanId inherits String

            given { humanId : HumanId = (HumanId) "123" }
            find { human : HumanId }

Using a query param in a function

In this example, we're filtering at the top level:

     query FindSomeFilms( starring : PersonName ) {
      find { Film[] } as (filter(Actor[], (PersonName) -> PersonName == starring)) -> {
         name: PersonName

(see: can use a variable from a saved query in projection type expression)

can also filter at the field level:

      query FindSomeFilms( starring : PersonName ) {
         find { Film[] } as  {
            title: Title
            starring: filter(Actor[], (PersonName) -> PersonName == starring) as {
              name : PersonName

(see: can use a variable from a saved query in a field projection)


Can use properties of collections to discover other collections:

see: can populate a collection attrib with a value returned from a service

         model Person {
            id : PersonId inherits Int
            name : PersonName inherits String
         model Friend inherits Person
         service Foo {
            operation findAllPeople():PersonId[]
            operation findPerson(PersonId):Person
            operation findAllFriends(PersonId):Friend[]


find { PersonId[] } as {
 name : PersonName
  friends : Friend[]


    "name": "Doug",
    "friends": [
      { "id": 1, "name": "Jimmy" },
      { "id": 2, "name": "Jack" }

Using ids in collections

see: given an array of discovered values, ids present in those arrays can look up attributes from other types

Given a movie:

         model Movie {
            title : MovieTitle inherits String
            cast : Cast
         model Cast {
            actors : ActorId[]

And an actor:

         model Actor {
            id : ActorId
            name : ActorName inherits String

Data is returned from seperate services:

         service MovieService {
            operation findAllMovies():Movie[]
            operation findActor(ActorId):Actor

We can traverse the collections:

find { Movie[] } as {
   movieTitle: MovieTitle
   actors: ActorName[]

Here's that example as a Voyager example:

import {StubQueryMessageWithSlug} from "../../app/services/query.service";

export const example: StubQueryMessageWithSlug = {
   "title": "Title goes here",
   "slug": "slug-goes-here",
   "query": {
   "schema": ` // Given a movie:

 type ActorId inherits Int
 model Movie {
    title : MovieTitle inherits String
    cast : {
        actors: ActorId[]

// And an actor:
 model Actor {
    id : ActorId
    name : ActorName inherits String

// Data is returned from different APIs:
 service MovieService {
    operation findAllMovies():Movie[]
    operation findActor(ActorId):Actor
   "query": `
// We can traverse these collections:
find { Movie[] } as {
   movieTitle: MovieTitle
   actors: ActorName[]

   "parameters": {},
   "stubs": [
         "operationName": "findAllMovies",
         "response": "  [ { \"title\" : \"The ducks take Manhattan\", \"cast\" : { \"actors\" : [1,2,3] } } ]"
         "operationName": "findActor",
         "response": "{ \"name\" : \"Mickey Mouse\" }"

Joining streams

Joining streams using |

      service TweetService {
         operation tweets():Stream<Tweet>
         operation analytics():Stream<TweetAnalytics>
         operation getUser(UserId):User

stream { Tweet | TweetAnalytics }
  as {
     id : MessageId
     body : Message
     views : ViewCount?


Output of a stream / query is transformed to the input of a mutation function

see: `can call mutation for each member of a stream``

// given a stream:
         model UserUpdateMessage {
            userId : UserId inherits String
            message : StatusMessage inherits String

service UserUpdates {
   stream updates: Stream<UserUpdateMessage>

// Elsewhere, User is defined:
         model User {
            id : UserId
            name : UserName inherits String

         service UserService {
            operation getUser(UserId):User

// Finally, we want to persist updates, combining the message and user information:

         parameter model RichUserUpdateMessage {
            userId : UserId
            name : UserName
            message : StatusMessage

         service UserService {
             write operation storeUpdate(RichUserUpdateMessage):RichUserUpdateMessage

// The query:
         stream { UserUpdateMessage }
         call UserService::storeUpdate

// Will transform UserUpdateMessage into  RichUserUpdateMessage, enriching it by calling getUser()

Parameter and Closed

      closed parameter model Film {
         filmId : FilmId
         title : Title
      @HazelcastService(connectionName = "notUsed")
      service HazelcastService {
         write operation upsert(Film):Film

         @DeleteOperation(mapName = "films")
         write operation deleteAll()

         @DeleteOperation(mapName = "films")
         write operation deleteByKey(FilmId):Film

         table films : Film[]

Converting things

Converting using as

converting using convert()

see can convert from one type to another using convert

      Converts the provided source into the target type reference.
       Conversions are performed locally, using only the data provided in source - ie.,
       no services or graph searches are performed.

       This method is less powerful than using a standard projection (eg., A as B), because:

        - Only the exact facts passed in the source are considered
        - No graph searches or remote invocations are performed

        As a result, it's also more performant.
      declare function <T> convert(source: Any, targetType: lang.taxi.Type<T>): T"""
         model Person {
            name : FirstName inherits String
            age : PersonAge inherits String
         model Dude {
            knownBy : FirstName
         model Thing {
            person : Person
            dude : convert(this.person, Dude)

Spread operator

see: generates the correct fields with excluded fields

... and ... except:

find { Person } as {
               name : FirstName
               address : Address as {
                 isOddNumbered : Boolean
                 house : HouseNumber
                 ... except {secretCode}
               ... except {secretAge}

Projection shorthand

find { Person } as {
   name, // reads name from Person
   address // etc

Restricting which services get called:

These examples from TaxiQlServiceRestrictionsSpec:

Only calling services with using:

         closed model Film {
            title : Title inherits String
         service FilmService {
            operation getFilms():Film[]
            operation getBlockbusters():Film[]

         find { Film[] }
         using { FilmService::getFilms }

Mixing services and operations:

            service NetflixService {
               operation getFilms():Film[]
               operation getBlockbusters():Film[]

            find { Film[] }
            using { FilmService::getBlockbusters , FilmService::getFilms, NetflixService }

Excluding a service:

            find { Film[] }
            excluding { FilmService::films }