orbitalquark / textadept

Textadept is a fast, minimalist, and remarkably extensible cross-platform text editor for programmers.
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Not print capital letters (Cyrillic alphabet) #432

Open bbslipers opened 1 year ago

bbslipers commented 1 year ago

editor textadept-ncurses.exe it does not print capital letters (Cyrillic alphabet) if you enter them while holding Shift, but if you switch Caps Lock, then everything starts to output correctly.

bbslipers commented 1 year ago

Probably the reason is the inappropriate behavior of Shift since some of the keyboard combinations do not work either.

orbitalquark commented 1 year ago

Yes, the manual's appendix mentions that not all key sequences are recognized properly, so shift+non-ascii characters seem to fall under this category, at least in the Windows terminal version. I don't have a Cyrillic keyboard, so I don't have a way to diagnose what's going wrong and fix it. Sorry :(

You could uncomment this line: https://github.com/orbitalquark/textadept/blob/19cfa3ce0c7d2f981d2b8cbbee4f8e603be9b5db/core/keys.lua#L186

When you type a shifted Cyrillic character, see what the statusbar outputs. If it's legible, then you could perhaps create a key binding for that sequence keys['...'] = function() buffer:insert_text(-1, '...') end to insert the correct character. It's certainly not ideal, but it might be better than nothing.

bbslipers commented 1 year ago


events.connect(events.KEY, function(code, modifiers)
  if CURSES then ui.statusbar_text = string.format('"%s"', code) end
  if code == 1040 then
   buffer:insert_text(-1, 'А')

Press Cyrillic character "A" (code = 1040) in editor xC0xC0 (the code was inserted twice)

Сapital letters Cyrillic alphabet: АБВГДЕ.... code = 1040 - 1071

bbslipers commented 1 year ago

So far I have done so in no other way. Probably clumsy - I'm a beginner.


local bytemarkers = { {0x7FF,192}, {0xFFFF,224}, {0x1FFFFF,240} }
local function code2char(decimal)
    if decimal<128 then return string.char(decimal) end
    local charbytes = {}
    for bytes,vals in ipairs(bytemarkers) do
      if decimal<=vals[1] then
        for b=bytes+1,2,-1 do
          local mod = decimal%64
          decimal = (decimal-mod)/64
          charbytes[b] = string.char(128+mod)
        charbytes[1] = string.char(vals[2]+decimal)
    return table.concat(charbytes)

events.connect(events.KEY, function(code, modifiers)
        if CURSES and code >= 1040 and code < 1072 then
                return ''
        local shift, ctrl, alt, cmd = modifiers & MOD_SHIFT > 0, modifiers & MOD_CTRL > 0, modifiers & MOD_ALT > 0, modifiers & MOD_META > 0
        if OSX and not CURSES then ctrl, cmd = cmd, ctrl end
        if code >= 32 and code < 256 then key = string.char(code) else key = M.KEYSYMS[code] end
        if not key then return end
        if QT and not shift and code < 256 then key = key:lower() end
        if shift and code >= 32 and code < 256 then shift = false end
        if (OSX and not CURSES) and alt and code < 256 then alt = false end
        return events.emit(events.KEYPRESS, string.format('%s%s%s%s%s', ctrl and CTRL or '', alt and ALT or '', cmd and OSX and CMD or '', shift and SHIFT or '', key))