orbitalquark / textadept

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Different toggle comment behaviour #470

Closed mierenhoop closed 10 months ago

mierenhoop commented 10 months ago

Textadept's toggle_comment toggles comments for each line individually. So when someone wants to quickly comment a block of code, non-code comments will get uncommented, this behaviour feels odd (for me). The way I prefer is consistantly either commenting or uncommenting a block, this is what VSCode does. I managed to hack it into my init.lua config, but here is the diff for this git repo:

diff --git a/modules/textadept/editing.lua b/modules/textadept/editing.lua
index feac7ed7..14b6f9ce 100644
--- a/modules/textadept/editing.lua
+++ b/modules/textadept/editing.lua
@@ -320,10 +320,18 @@ function M.toggle_comment()
    local ignore_last_line = s ~= e and pos == buffer:position_from_line(e)
    anchor, pos = buffer.line_end_position[s] - anchor, buffer.length + 1 - pos
    local column = math.huge
+   local uncomment = true
+   for line = s, not ignore_last_line and e or e - 1 do
+       local p = buffer.line_indent_position[line]
+       if buffer:text_range(p, p + #prefix) ~= prefix then
+           uncomment = false
+       end
+   end
    for line = s, not ignore_last_line and e or e - 1 do
        local p = buffer.line_indent_position[line]
-       local uncomment = buffer:text_range(p, p + #prefix) == prefix
        if not uncomment then
            column = math.min(buffer.column[p], column)
            p = buffer:find_column(line, column)

As far as I've tested, commenting and uncommenting again will return a piece of code back to it's original state, also, there might be a better way of implementing this...

snoopy commented 10 months ago

I'm also using a customized comment function that allows for this. At the time I was the only one who expressed interest in this, which is why I didn't really push for upstream integration. It's implemented as an argument so both versions are possible. Additionally, my function inserts a space between the comment token and the text for added clarity.

The changes are minor but I'm still not sure it's worth to integrate into upstream since it is easily implemented in the local init.lua.

orbitalquark commented 10 months ago

The one issue is if you start with a commented line and extend the selection to the line below, for example:


When you toggle comment, you'll get this:


Toggling again gives you:


The idea of "toggle comment" is that every other time you invoke it, you should get back exactly what was there originally.

There's probably an elegant way to solve it, but I haven't found it yet.

snoopy commented 10 months ago

There's probably an elegant way to solve it, but I haven't found it yet.

The elegant way is to correctly guess the users intent which is not really feasible. That's why I am using two different hotkeys for commenting. One for the default toggle and one to comment everything that is selected. Considering how rarely I use the latter this is acceptable to me. Just for comparison, vscode doesn't seem very smart about commenting either. It will often double comment lines which is even more annoying than having two different hotkeys.

mierenhoop commented 10 months ago

The one issue is if you start with a commented line and extend the selection to the line below, for example:


When you toggle comment, you'll get this:


Toggling again gives you:


The idea of "toggle comment" is that every other time you invoke it, you should get back exactly what was there originally.

I can't reproduce the problem where toggling again doesn't restore the original.

Peek 2023-10-12 21-56

Just for comparison, vscode doesn't seem very smart about commenting either. It will often double comment lines which is even more annoying than having two different hotkeys.

This patch tries to replicate VSCode's behaviour where it will double comment, it's really just a matter of taste at this point :)

orbitalquark commented 10 months ago

I can't reproduce the problem where toggling again doesn't restore the original.

When you "toggle comment" on a line that starts with a comment, I would expect that line to be uncommented, hence my comment. I'm not belittling your solution though. I was just hoping to try and come up with something more elegant that makes a bit more intuitive sense.

mierenhoop commented 10 months ago

Ah, thanks for clarifying.