orbitdb / field-manual

The Offical User's Guide to OrbitDB
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Usage for profit sharing bussiness model #115

Closed ghost closed 3 years ago

ghost commented 4 years ago

Would i be able to use orbit for having profit sharing token. My idea is through my web application, when a collaborator completes a task , a number of token will be added to their wallet in the database.I want this database to sync between the users , when everyones database agrees the total amount of tokens issued to each person will be updated. My goal is to have the trust of my collaborators , so that they dont think that i have generated uneven amount of token. How can orbit help me, any opinion guidance?

shamb0t commented 4 years ago

Hey @nektarios-fifes it sounds like your use-case requires consensus which OrbitDB doesn't provide. OrbitDB uses CRDTs instead of consensus, meaning the peers do not all need to agree before making changes to the database. This isn't suited for a token use-case where you need to ensure that everyone is aware of the state of the tokens before making changes (assuming you would like those tokens to move around to other wallets/be spent).

OrbitDB can be useful for other data-sharing in your app where you do not need to know when all peers agree....for tokens I would recommend a solution which solves double-spending (like Ethereum or tendermint etc). I hope that helps!

aphelionz commented 3 years ago

I believe this lack of strong consistency is covered here: https://github.com/orbitdb/field-manual/blob/main/00_Introduction/02_What_is_OrbitDB.md#orbitdb-is-not-a-blockchain