orbwoi / UniversalRemote

A mod for minecraft forge 1.12
MIT License
4 stars 6 forks source link

Weird area of effect bug with Universal Remote. #10

Closed Yabdat closed 6 years ago

Yabdat commented 6 years ago

Universal Remote 0.9.2 Tinkers Construct Actually Additions r119

Using the remote removes the Area of effect mining with the tools form these mods.

Kind of hard to describe, watch this video:


Also some tools seems to do doubleclick after you have used the Universal Remote.

orbwoi commented 6 years ago

Well shoot... the player proxy was leaking into the player interaction manager! Fixed in 0.9.3

Yabdat commented 6 years ago

This is still happening in 0.9.3

Created a custom modpack with the Twitch launcher, with these mods: Actually Additions 1.12.1-r19 JEI 1.12.1- Mantle 1.12- Tinkers Construct 1.12- Universal Remote 1.12-0.9.3

Basically the latest versions of all the mods.

Pastebin of console: https://pastebin.com/GGaMLH7a

Edit: Same thing still happens with only Tinkers Construct or Actually Additions loaded, and not both.

orbwoi commented 6 years ago

How is that possible.. I tested carefully and it was definitely fixed.


OMG... I uploaded the wrong version of 0.9.3 which didn't actually have the fix in it. This is why I shouldn't try to fix bugs when I'm in a hurry. :(

I'm so sorry. Thank you 10000% for finding this and re-reporting my bad upload! Please try 0.9.4!