orbwoi / UniversalRemote

A mod for minecraft forge 1.12
MIT License
4 stars 6 forks source link

0.9.5 breaks Good Ol' Currency GUI #15

Closed D3nnis3n closed 6 years ago

D3nnis3n commented 6 years ago

See this https://ibb.co/hrmdAb The Infinite sign should be clickable and have a purple background like the other buttons. Both is no longer possible as long as your mod is installed.

orbwoi commented 6 years ago

And this is just when used normally not through a remote?

D3nnis3n commented 6 years ago

Yes. I did not try using a remote on it. I got the Dev of the mod on discord and i wanted to test his mod, but then this issue arose and we pretty fast found out it was yours causing this.

orbwoi commented 6 years ago

Can I talk to him on discord? He is probably using anti-fake player code like ic2 does. I had to add a special exception for ic2.

Beardlessbrady commented 6 years ago

For that specific tab all I'm doing is checking if the player opening the gui is in creative mode or not

orbwoi commented 6 years ago

Hmmm.. it seems to be working for me: https://ibb.co/cTUC3w

D3nnis3n commented 6 years ago

Well, all i can say is it ceased working as soon as i installed your mod, and went back to working when i removed it. Same with the skins.

I use forge 2512, btw.

D3nnis3n commented 6 years ago

And yeh, i indeed was in creative mode.

orbwoi commented 6 years ago

I was in creative mode and using forge 1.12.2- when I took that screenie.

D3nnis3n commented 6 years ago

Lawl. SMP? I do test on servers only.

D3nnis3n commented 6 years ago

I'll throw up a singleplayer instance to look it up.

orbwoi commented 6 years ago

Let me test on server... Still working for me. https://ibb.co/b6yrVb What version are you testing? I built off the head of master for the currency mod.

D3nnis3n commented 6 years ago

Currency 1.12-1.2.6 BETA

D3nnis3n commented 6 years ago

Confirmed to work in SSP. But not on SMP.

orbwoi commented 6 years ago

Working in both for me. See second screenshot above for server test.

D3nnis3n commented 6 years ago

All clear with only your mod.

D3nnis3n commented 6 years ago

Despite server-side.

D3nnis3n commented 6 years ago

I'd say it works every second server start. But on every start you shortly see the Alex skin, then it changes to the real skin. As for the currency gui it also works only on every second server restart. Seems it will be a "not reproducable".

D3nnis3n commented 6 years ago


D3nnis3n commented 6 years ago

So, if you didn't understand my poor writing: Out of starting the server ten times, 5 times the bug was present, 5 times it wasn't. I can't tell you why. This happens with and without other mods, as long as your mod is active.

orbwoi commented 6 years ago

For one or both bugs? It isn't clear which one you are talking about.

D3nnis3n commented 6 years ago

For both bugs.

For Alex: When your mod is installed on both SSP and SMP i shortly see alex, then it switches to my real skin. But on SMP it only does that in 50% of 10 Server Starts. In the other 50% i'm alex for the whole time. When your mod is not installed, i never see alex but ever my skin from the beginning. (I do use a Steve Skin, so no Alex should appear at all oO) There is no difference if other mods are installed. (I ever have optifine, otherwise i can't play)

For Currency: It works on SSP in every case. On SMP the bug is present in 50% of the server starts. It's just random. I start the server: It works. I restart it: It doesn't. There is no difference if other mods are installed. (I ever have optifine, otherwise i can't play)

On SMP both bugs occur together, never does one bug occur alone IF they occur.

Maybe some internet files can'T be downloaded or something like that!?

orbwoi commented 6 years ago

Alex: This is most likely related to optifine. I do not test with optifine nor do I plan to do so. Installing that is a guaranteed risk of some visual glitches. Currency: Are you saying you see that bug 50% of the time with ONLY currency installed (e.g. remote is not installed)?

D3nnis3n commented 6 years ago

I'll keep the mod on my PTR and see what comes up tomorrow when all the others play again.

D3nnis3n commented 6 years ago

Currency: Are you saying you see that bug 50% of the time with ONLY currency installed (e.g. remote is not installed)?

No. Your Mod must be installed, too. I meant "For the Alex Bug", "For the Currency Bug". I tested Bug one with only your mod and ALL mods and the second one with Yours and Currency (not possible otherwise) and ALL mods. (Sorry, no native english speaker :D)

Alex: This is most likely related to optifine. I do not test with optifine nor do I plan to do so. Installing that is a guaranteed risk of some visual glitches.

This does not happen without your mod and some of us are forced to use Optifine as it's the only mod allowing you to downscale resolution. E.g. i got a 4K monitor, but minecraft being the only game that my graphics card can not power in that resolution makes it not playable for me otherwise, as it has 3 FPS or crashes outright.

orbwoi commented 6 years ago

I may close these bugs for now until we get some more data. I cannot reproduce the error on my machine. You should open a new bug if you find better way to reproduce it especially without optfine installed. Also, let me know if those other players see similar issues.

D3nnis3n commented 6 years ago

I'll report back.

orbwoi commented 6 years ago

Note from later: appears to be fixed in 0.9.6

Beardlessbrady commented 6 years ago

How did you fix it?

orbwoi commented 6 years ago

It appears there was a race condition where MinecraftProxy could sometimes leak into Minecraft.player.mc. That proxy version also wasn't populated with the client player's full data. Now both are fixed.

See https://github.com/orbwoi/UniversalRemote/commit/a8484307b96c963ccd4db5aca0dba4747b4d4cf3