orbwoi / UniversalRemote

A mod for minecraft forge 1.12
MIT License
4 stars 6 forks source link

Have to click twice after using Universal Remote #32

Open choekstr opened 5 years ago

choekstr commented 5 years ago

I have the UR bound to the RS crafting grid and after using the UR any right clicking anything else, an inventory, a satchel, a machine, etc., I have to double right click for it to register the right click.

Here is what happens: 1.) I right click UR and it brings up crafting grid 2.) Exit crafting grid by hitting escape 3.) Right click any chest/machine/satchel/inventory <- Nothing happens 4.) Right click any chest/machine/satchel/inventory <- THIS time it works

It doesn't matter if I continue to have UR selected, or if I switch off to another hotbar item, it still requires double right clicks.