orbwoi / UniversalRemote

A mod for minecraft forge 1.12
MIT License
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AE2 Terminal Issues #6

Closed Cal26lum closed 6 years ago

Cal26lum commented 6 years ago

While it is possible to bind to an AE2 terminal, you cannot access any items stored on the system. This is unusual, as it was possible in previous versions - even 0.8.3.

Versions: Universal Remote 0.9.0 Minecraft 1.12.1 Forge Applied Energistics 2 rv5-alpha-3

orbwoi commented 6 years ago

Well shucks...

To make the config work as well as improve general compatibility, I had to make a bunch of behind the scenes changes in 0.9.0. That's why it was a major release. A few things broke from that but I thought I had fixed them all before release.

I'll make a hotfix release for this.

orbwoi commented 6 years ago

Okay, easy fix- try again in 0.9.1!