Closed dthaler closed 2 months ago
Do the docker instructions still work?
The second error is likely related to the first (wrong python version). Looks like installation succeeded but binary wasn't found. Does launching a new terminal and rerunning virtualenv inference-venv
work (in case PATH has changed)?
Do the docker instructions still work?
Couldn't get far enough to try, since that's a later step on the page. Docker installed just fine though.
The second error is likely related to the first (wrong python version). Looks like installation succeeded but binary wasn't found. Does launching a new terminal and rerunning
virtualenv inference-venv
work (in case PATH has changed)?
No it doesn't work (tried that before filing this issue).
>pip show virtualenv
Name: virtualenv
Version: 20.26.3
Summary: Virtual Python Environment builder
Location: C:\Users\dthal\AppData\Local\Packages\PythonSoftwareFoundation.Python.3.11_qbz5n2kfra8p0\LocalCache\local-packages\Python311\site-packages
Requires: distlib, filelock, platformdirs
PATH doesn't include anything like what Location shows above. So there must be steps missing from the instructions.
The Docker instructions are separate and do not require the virtualenv setup.
The virtualenv location looks sketchy to me. Please check with @pastorep to see if that is correct and update PATH if so.
These setup was done for me using "python -m venv inference-venv" instead of virtualenv, that might not be needed, but also using the specific python version mentioned: 3.7.4. After that, everything was successfully setup for me
Tried the instructions on Windows, but all they do is give failures.
And running: