orcasound / orca-action-workflow

Github actions to automate Orcasound tasks.
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Orcalearn - User story - Filtering Library tracks 1 #82

Open Juliette-Xing opened 7 months ago

Juliette-Xing commented 7 months ago

User Story As a user of OrcaLearn, I want to select and deselect filter tags when I click / tap on them on the Library page, so that I can narrow down calls based on pods and type of call.

Description: The intent of this story is to make sure that filters work when they are used. Most Orcalearn users (citizen scientists, marine scientists) know what pods are and the difference between calls and clicks. One user really likes how the filters work in this library system, it curates her experience in a way that improved her listening experience.

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Notes: Acceptance Criteria: GIVEN I access Library, WHEN I click/tap on the filter tags, THEN the track list is filtered.