orcasound / orcahome

Website redesign for Orcasound homepage static content http://orcasound.net
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Website Redesign: "Get Involved - Donate" Network Partner Logo Links #122

Open UXBrendan opened 9 months ago

UXBrendan commented 9 months ago

User Story AS an Orcahome user I WANT to select network partner logos on the Get Involved page in the "Donate" section for desktop, tablet, and mobile SO THAT I can navigate to webpages that the links point to.

Description The intent of this story is to link all network partner logos on the Get Involved page for the Donate section for desktop, tablet, and mobile so that they are functional.


Acceptance Criteria GIVEN I see the Orcasound Get Involved section images on desktop, tablet, and mobile WHEN I select the network partner logos in the page THEN I am taken to the correct target webpages.

Figma file: https://www.figma.com/file/AKxnlPthLEMQyYrYuMWqOW?node-id=204:546&mode=design#583164401


UXBrendan commented 7 months ago


Logo locations: Repo: orcahome Folder: "public" > "getinvolved"

Center for Whale Research Oceans Initiative (Does not match) Cetacean Research Technology Deep Green Wilderness F.O.L.K.S. Pacmam (Does not match, not sure if we actually have it) The Whale Trail Whale Scout (Does not match) Folder: "public" > "learn"

Orca Behavior Institute Orca Network Port Townsend Marine Science Center