orcasound / orcahome

Website redesign for Orcasound homepage static content http://orcasound.net
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Website Redesign: "Get Involved" Design Update #129

Open UXBrendan opened 9 months ago

UXBrendan commented 9 months ago

User Story AS a New Orcahome user I WANT to be able to easily navigate through the page and find relevant links SO THAT I can complete my goal without having to read the all the text on the page.

Description The intent of this story is to inform the Developer team on the final design changes made on the Get Involved page.


Acceptance Criteria GIVEN I open the Orcasound Get_Involved page WHEN I scroll through the page THEN I see buttons that are uniform and clearly indicate the destination of each button or icons.

Figma file: https://www.figma.com/file/AKxnlPthLEMQyYrYuMWqOW/Orcahome-Dev-Design?type=design&node-id=204%3A546&mode=design&t=y3h0QX1UXlWuh9fb-1

Protoype: https://www.figma.com/proto/AKxnlPthLEMQyYrYuMWqOW/Orcahome-Dev-Design?page-id=0%3A1&node-id=204-546&starting-point-node-id=204%3A546&mode=design&t=8aNW3RZWHwoFs0MH-1

UXBrendan commented 9 months ago

Reach out to @Shienny1 for any questions.

ghufronbahar commented 9 months ago

Hi Brendan Can I Take this project?

UXBrendan commented 9 months ago


Please reach out to @JurgenYu - he is the dev working on this issue.

ghufronbahar commented 9 months ago

Hi @JurgenYu how can i do for you?

JurgenYu commented 9 months ago

Hi @JurgenYu how can i do for you?

Sure can you DM me through Slack? The scope of this project is slightly bigger than we thought.

narayan-raghuwanshi commented 9 months ago

Hi @JurgenYu, can I join in on this issue?

JurgenYu commented 8 months ago

Hi @JurgenYu, can I join in on this issue?

Hi, Can you shoot me a DM on slack? My profile name should be the same

UXBrendan commented 8 months ago


Just checking in with you about this issue. Any blockers I or @Shivangi-2789 can help with?