orcasound / orcanode

Software for live-streaming and recording lossy (AAC) or lossless compressed audio (HLS, DASH, FLAC) via AWS S3 buckets. :star:
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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Error using emdem/raspi-logspout #36

Open mcshicks opened 2 years ago

mcshicks commented 2 years ago

When regresssion testing some other changes I got this error

logspout_1 | !! x509: certificate signed by unknown authority

Not sure what the fix is but the workaround is to comment out this container in the docker-compose.yml file

mcshicks commented 2 years ago

Seems like there are more recent arm64 images here. https://github.com/jaredallard-home/multiarch-images/blob/master/images.yaml We could start with that route