orcasound / orcanode

Software for live-streaming and recording lossy (AAC) or lossless compressed audio (HLS, DASH, FLAC) via AWS S3 buckets. :star:
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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Add support for decentralized storage #48

Open scottveirs opened 1 year ago

scottveirs commented 1 year ago

In yesterday's standup, motivated by expiration of AWS and Azure credits this year, we had a lively discussion of potentially shifting to decentralized storage of Orcasound audio data. This could initially happen for just compressed, lossy bouts for human listening -- aka a playlist of Greatest Hits of Orcasound. But it might some day also be a cost-effective and secure solution for the full streaming archive, currently about 3.5 TB or 250MB/node/year for only HLS data. (Here is a calculator for estimating data storage costs within AWS S3 for Orcasound).

Here are some related follow-up links that @prafulfillment offered in the Orcasound Slack: