orcasound / orcanode

Software for live-streaming and recording lossy (AAC) or lossless compressed audio (HLS, DASH, FLAC) via AWS S3 buckets. :star:
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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Log hydrophone changes, map to L/R channels #55

Open scottveirs opened 2 years ago

scottveirs commented 2 years ago

As a system administrator, bioacoustic scientist, or developer I want to be able to map the left and/or right channel of an audio data file (streamed HLS/DASH and/or archived FLAC) back to the make and model of the hydrophone(s), and ideally a unique identifier like a serial number.

Possible solutions:

  1. Add .env variables for channel 1 vs 2 source description, ideally in a standard format like Make_Model_SN (e.g. Labcore_40_0023 or CRT_SQ26-08_SN003).
  2. upload the .env file (minus any credentials) along with the latest.txt file OR log any metadata changes and/or field notes in some other mechanism, like a database with API, so it can be associated with the raw audio data and/or utilized dynamically in apps like the Orcasound player (context for hydrophone feed in v3 drawer).
  3. An alternative to (2) above might be to include such variables within a swarm management tool and log any changes to them in a way that can be associated with the raw audio data...
scottveirs commented 2 years ago
scottveirs commented 1 year ago

Struggled with this issue when troubleshooting a failing hydrophone in the new dual-element deployment at the MaST Center this week. No breakthroughs yet in efforts to add filtering by channel as ffmpeg flags within stream.sh ... but this is likely a helpful resource for further efforts -- https://trac.ffmpeg.org/wiki/AudioChannelManipulation