orcasound / orcanode

Software for live-streaming and recording lossy (AAC) or lossless compressed audio (HLS, DASH, FLAC) via AWS S3 buckets. :star:
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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Log and monitor computer engineering metrics #64

Open scottveirs opened 1 year ago

scottveirs commented 1 year ago

In ordring more Raspberry Pi and Pisound boards today, and thinking about how to mount Orcasound single-board computers inside off-the-shelf weatherproof enclosures, we thought of a general feature request for the orcanode software: log and possible monitor metrics related to the performance of the hardware and the environmental conditions they experience.

For example, if we put a box in a sunny location, does the ambient temperature cause performance problems as the Raspberry Pi temperature rises? Or do hot (or damp!?) conditions cause components to fail earlier than under cooler (dryer) conditions?

Specifically, it might be valuable to log the following:

  1. Temperature of the Raspberry Pi
  2. Humidity (maybe with a USB humidity sensor?)
  3. SD card performance and conditions (how much free space available after a power outage slows/stops upload bandwidth)
  4. Threading of cores on the Rpi 4?
akasprzok commented 4 months ago

Where do we want to put that info?

Grafana Cloud has a generous free tier, and we could externalize worrying about state. However it would be a separate system for which we'd have to manage users etc.