orcasound / orcaviz

Gallery of data visualizations using Orcasound data
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Sound Visualizations Ideas and Tools #1

Open valentina-s opened 2 years ago

valentina-s commented 2 years ago

This issue serves as a place to discuss potential sound visualization ideas and tools (there may be better home for this?). Visualizations can fall into different categories:

Non-exaustive List of Visualizations and Tools

Other References:

rodrickcalvin commented 2 years ago

@valentina-s thanks for the resources

scottveirs commented 2 years ago

There may be additional inspiration and good precedents found in this Orcasound Trello board of bioacoustic analysis approaches and tools: https://trello.com/b/vrDhZeGc/orcasound-bioacoustic-analysis-approaches

rodrickcalvin commented 2 years ago

Wow, Thank you @scottveirs digging in