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Website Redesign: DONATE Page #106

Open CourtneyDruzak opened 9 months ago

CourtneyDruzak commented 9 months ago

User Story

  1. AS a new Orcasound user, I WANT to have a concise Donate page with large, readable text SO THAT I can access the page and understand how to donate to Orcasound or one of its partner organizations.

  2. AS a new Orcasound user I WANT to see organized and clearly segmented information architecture on the Donate page SO THAT I can easily choose the organization or group I want to donate to.

Description The intent of these stories are to update the layout of the Donate page on layout. The updated layout should adhere to the principles of credibility, accessibility, visual appeal, and user friendliness.


Banner on top: same as design, with the content in the box “Help protect marine life like the Southern Resident Killer whales by donating today” Donate to Orcasound: same as design, with “Donate” button linked to https://opencollective.com/orcasound Donate to our volunteers: same as design, with “Donate” button linked to https://github.com/sponsors/orcasound Partner donation:

  • Section title: Donate to our 501(c)3 partners
  • Description: Contribute to our partners to support on-going conservation, research, and education efforts.

The list of partner organizations should be arranged in alphabetical order. At each description, “Learn more” would link to their respective donation page.

Acceptance Criteria GIVEN I open the Orcasound homepage WHEN I look at the page THEN I see a UI that matches the linked UX/UI design.


Desktop- Donate


iPad Pro 12 9_ - Donate


Orcasound Donate Page Mobile

Link to design: https://www.figma.com/file/AKxnlPthLEMQyYrYuMWqOW?node-id=0:1&mode=design#572687784

Sahasann commented 8 months ago

Hi Brendan. I can redesign this for you. Please let me know if anyone else is working on this and who I can reach out to.

UXBrendan commented 8 months ago


2 devs- @JurgenYu and @harukafujii13 have been assigned to this user story. Please check in with them and see if they need help.