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UX Hand Off to Devs- Write and Design Notification Templates #66

Open UXBrendan opened 1 year ago

UXBrendan commented 1 year ago

User Story AS an Orcasound Concerned Citizen Scientist I WANT to clearly understand content in email, SMS, or mobile push notifications by choosing either all or a selection of Orcasound hydrophones SO THAT I can receive email notifications when a live listening event is occurring.

Description Based on the discovery research conducted and discussions with Skander (dev) and Scott (stakeholder), write template messages for 3 channels of notifications:

  1. Email a. This also includes a complete visual redesign of the email in addition to copy
  2. SMS a. Copy only
  3. Desktop/mobile push a. Copy only


Acceptance Criteria GIVEN I receive email, SMS, or push notifications WHEN a listening event is occurring THEN I see content that clearly communicates to me that a hydrophone listening event is occurring and am able to reach the active hydrophone during the listening event.

UXBrendan commented 1 year ago


Feel free to assign to UX Notification team members or complete yourself. Let me know if you have any questions.

sonamchauhan1201 commented 1 year ago

Here's a summary of the work completed


saraloup commented 1 year ago

@UXBrendan Does the Be Whale Wise link need to be in the template as well? It's in the current email but not listed as a requirement above.

UXBrendan commented 1 year ago


The "Be Whale Wise Guidelines" should only be in the sign up form, not the email. Scott may have changed this, but historically, it's only been in the sign up form.

saraloup commented 1 year ago

Uploads for template test

Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Image

More template assets

Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Flow 3@2x-60fps ezgif-5-dbb4def45c (1) hydrophoneanimated HydrophoneWhiteVector1


saraloup commented 1 year ago

Uploads for template #2

Image Image Image Image


Button_Click play_blue OrcaHeader7sm


Image Image

saraloup commented 1 year ago
play_blue 2x Play-arrow-padding2x playbutton-padding2x





More template assets

Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Flow 3@2x-60fps ezgif-5-dbb4def45c (1) hydrophoneanimated HydrophoneWhiteVector1


sonamchauhan1201 commented 10 months ago




Updated Image




saraloup commented 9 months ago

This is the design implemented into MJML. There is one issue where the font is getting overwritten in the code and two vertical icon alignments (hydrophone and social share) that could be better if possible. Mustafa is looking into these for me.

Design has been tested through Litmus PutsMail with Gmail and Outlook web, and Outlook 16/365


UXBrendan commented 9 months ago

@saraloup- Great work! I hope that Scott and Skander give you good feedback. Will you be user testing the email template designs?

sonamchauhan1201 commented 9 months ago

@UXBrendan We did a preference test using Usability Hub and the Orcasound UX design community on Slack, receiving feedback from 13 participants over two weeks.

This is test result-https://docs.google.com/document/d/1hAEZzHvvFLX6wDwXaLr0Oly9-sKWnkzct0RwvkKWXKQ/edit

UXBrendan commented 9 months ago

@sonamchauhan1201 I would push back and say that testing with internal UX team members is not user testing. Would love to see a presentation of results and recommendations, and participate in a discussion about next steps.

sonamchauhan1201 commented 9 months ago

@UXBrendan I used a tool called Usability Hub to understand user preferences. I asked users who are not from the Orcasound community, and I received only 8 responses by sharing the link on my LinkedIn profile. To gather more feedback I visited the Orcasound UX General Slack channel. I can share the presentation with you at next week's weekly meeting or on any other day that suits you best.

UXBrendan commented 9 months ago


Got it. If this was a qualitative study, then you only need a minimum of N=5 participants (per user segment/persona type) according to NN/g (https://www.nngroup.com/articles/5-test-users-qual-quant/). Usually, I never get N=5 for each of the 3 personas we've characterized, so I always stop my studies after getting N=5 participants. Is there a reason why you needed additional participants beyond the N=8 that participated?

Happy to attend a presentation of the study, but the purpose is for recommendations to be shared with who will be taking care of next steps. Who are you handing off to? Designers? If so, have you documented your recommendations so that they clearly understand their responsibilities? I'm happy to help the team move through the UX process, but my involvement isn't necessarily required if you can clearly document next steps and hand off to the appropriate team member.

sonamchauhan1201 commented 9 months ago

@UXBrendan Thanks for the suggestion it's really helpful.

We have two designs, but we are unsure which one is best. Therefore, I decided to conduct a preference test to evaluate the designs. While running the test, I asked users to briefly explain why they preferred one of the options and what specific aspects or features influenced their preference. I received five responses in brief, while others preferred not to provide an answer and simply selected their preferred option. To gain more clarity in design, I decided to seek feedback from the Slack community. This test was conducted on October 6.

I am collaborating with Sara on the design too, and we have already discussed and iterated upon it.

Here is the link to the result https://app.lyssna.com/tests/db55b744495f/results/c837f69df394