orcasound / product

Repository for the Orcasound UX Team to communicate, receive project briefs, and prepare designs to be handed off to production
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UX- IA update of Orcahome and next steps #81

Open UXBrendan opened 1 year ago

UXBrendan commented 1 year ago

User Story AS a Orcasound user I WANT to navigate Orcahome on desktop, tablet, and mobile SO THAT I can understand why Orcasound exists, what I can do on the website, and take action for marine and orca conservation.

Description The intent of this story is to document next steps in designing Orcahome using the Information Architecture work that Rafa has been doing.


To do

Acceptance Criteria GIVEN I browse Orcahome WHEN I am searching for information about why Orcasound exists, what I can do, and marine/orca conservation actions I can take THEN I see a UI that matches the below linked Figma design.

Update from thematic analysis and card sorting on Final design May 2023

Bepoadewale commented 1 year ago

@UXBrendan, do you need me to follow up with Rafa?

UXBrendan commented 1 year ago


No, I've got this one.