orcasound / product

Repository for the Orcasound UX Team to communicate, receive project briefs, and prepare designs to be handed off to production
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Development - DONATE Page pt. 2 #98

Open CourtneyDruzak opened 9 months ago

CourtneyDruzak commented 9 months ago

User Story AS a new Orcasound user I WANT to have clear navigation that allows me to understand the different ways to donate to Orcasound or its partners SO THAT I can be sure my donation will be sent to the right place and used appropriately.

Description The intent of this story is to allow users to easily choose which donation option they prefer.


Acceptance Criteria GIVEN I open the Orcasound homepage WHEN I look at the page THEN I see a UI that matches the linked UX/UI design.

Design link: Donation Page - Design 8.14.2023 // Design E


UXBrendan commented 9 months ago


When a user selects the "Donate to Orcasound" CTA, there are 2 ways they can donate: 1.) Our Open Collective link: https://opencollective.com/orcasound 2.) Our GitHub sponsorship link: https://github.com/sponsors/orcasound

There should be a design solution to allow users to choose either the Open Collective or GitHub Sponsorship link.

Also, there is 1 URL to donate to specific volunteers: https://www.orcasound.net/hacker-hall-of-fame/, but then individual volunteers will have their own URL for donations- Patreon, Kickstarter, etc. (Right now, my link goes to my portfolio, which isn't how donations can be collected!). This "Hacker Hall of Fame" page needs redesign work, and ways to donate to individuals according to each person is a design challenge, which I'm thinking is going to be complicated.

We should discuss who and what will be designed at the next Release 1 stand up.