orchestracities / charts

This project includes helm charts developed to deploy orchestra cities (thus covering as well some FIWARE services)
Apache License 2.0
11 stars 9 forks source link

Added new envs for Quantum Leap 0.8.0 #90

Closed modularTaco closed 2 years ago

modularTaco commented 3 years ago
chicco785 commented 3 years ago

thx @modularTaco for your contribution, i made two small related comments, have a look and let me know, then we can merge

modularTaco commented 3 years ago

Hey @chicco785, I've made the changes needed to run a QL version lower than 0.8.0 with this chart now clearly in the readme. Hope you agree

chicco785 commented 3 years ago

Hey @chicco785, I've made the changes needed to run a QL version lower than 0.8.0 with this chart now clearly in the readme. Hope you agree

looks great! we only have one problem... travis ci has not yet reset the oss credits, so we cannot make the autobuild :/ are you in a hurry?

modularTaco commented 3 years ago

Hey @chicco785, I've made the changes needed to run a QL version lower than 0.8.0 with this chart now clearly in the readme. Hope you agree

looks great! we only have one problem... travis ci has not yet reset the oss credits, so we cannot make the autobuild :/ are you in a hurry?

okay, no problem
It's not urgent for me

modularTaco commented 3 years ago

Hey @chicco785, I've made the changes needed to run a QL version lower than 0.8.0 with this chart now clearly in the readme. Hope you agree

looks great! we only have one problem... travis ci has not yet reset the oss credits, so we cannot make the autobuild :/ are you in a hurry?

Hey @chicco785 , any news here?

chicco785 commented 3 years ago

@modularTaco so issue is that credits from travis are blocked. we had the same issue on https://github.com/orchestracities/ngsi-timeseries-api and moved to circle-ci, it was quite some pain and we don't have yet there the same feature level we had before, but so far we are happy. so we will move tests also here to circle-ci in the next days

modularTaco commented 2 years ago

Hey @chicco785 , any news here?

modularTaco commented 2 years ago

@chicco785 Updated the Fork to support new envs of QL 0.8.2 and use orchestracities repos instead of smartsdk

modularTaco commented 2 years ago

@chicco785 any news here?

chicco785 commented 2 years ago

@chicco785 any news here?

97 will fix the build mechanism, once merged, you should rebase if everything works fine, we will then merge ;)

c0c0n3 commented 2 years ago

@modularTaco #97 just got merged, if you could please rebase on master, thanks alot!!

c0c0n3 commented 2 years ago

@modularTaco we still need to work a bit on the work queue---pun intended :-) i'd like to keep this chart for work queue deployments too, but I still need to test a few things:

  1. k8s command switch to start QL in work queue mode
  2. helm release switch to be able to use the same chart both for the QL front end and the work queue backend

I'll implement (1) and (2) and contribute them to your branch. In the meantime, if you could please have a look at the review comments and rebase on master. Thanks a stack!!

modularTaco commented 2 years ago

Hi @c0c0n3 , i've implemented your suggested changes (totally made sense to me) and rebased the branch. Let me know if you need anything from me for your tests. But please keep in mind that i'm not using QL anymore, so i won't be able to do any testing of the chart.

c0c0n3 commented 2 years ago

hi @modularTaco, excellent job, you're a star. don't worry about testing, I'm actually busy setting up a test env on my side to be able to test the work queue deployment too, so i'll have to test the chart in the process anyway :-)

if you still have some dev cycles you could throw at this PR, it'd be a great help if you could fix up the linter issues---marked in the files changed tab. the linter is moaning about some whitespace and case stuff...

c0c0n3 commented 2 years ago

@modularTaco oh my goodness, you're the fastest gun in the west! (talking about the linter issues)

c0c0n3 commented 2 years ago

@modularTaco can you please rebase on master? I've merged your other PR for Crate. Thanks alot!!

c0c0n3 commented 2 years ago

@modularTaco so I've implemented the changes I mentioned earlier and opened a PR in your fork

if you could please merge that PR into your ql080envs branch so we can then go ahead w/ merging this PR (#90) into this repo: https://github.com/orchestracities/charts

Sorry it's a bit of a roundabout way to contribute my changes, but I couldn't find an easier way. But I guess all you need to do is merge my PR into your repo.

modularTaco commented 2 years ago

Hi @c0c0n3 , merged master and your PR to my branch, hope everything is alright now

c0c0n3 commented 2 years ago


We don't have an infra for automated end-to-end testing at the moment, so I tested manually. I've managed to do both a standalone and work queue deployment using this chart---read the docs added to this PR for the details.

Here's a log of the test session for the work queue deployment---my env: K8s 1.16.15, Helm 2.17.0. First off, I whipped together two values files, one for the frontend and the other for the work queue backend:

$ diff fe.values.yaml quantumleap/values.yaml
<     offloadWork: true
>     offloadWork: false
$ diff wq.values.yaml quantumleap/values.yaml
<     workers: 2  # 0 means disabled
>     workers: 0  # 0 means disabled

Then I used the chart to make a new Helm release for the frontend deployment

$ helm install quantumleap --name fe -f fe.values.yaml
NAME:   fe
LAST DEPLOYED: Thu Jul 21 15:12:33 2022
NAMESPACE: default

==> v1/Deployment
fe-quantumleap  0/2    0           0          0s

==> v1/Pod(related)
NAME                             READY  STATUS             RESTARTS  AGE
fe-quantumleap-65ff449d48-4x2cx  0/1    ContainerCreating  0         0s
fe-quantumleap-65ff449d48-spwjq  0/1    ContainerCreating  0         0s

==> v1/Service
fe-quantumleap  ClusterIP  None        <none>       80/TCP   0s

1. Get the application URL by running these commands:
  export POD_NAME=$(kubectl get pods --namespace default -l "app=quantumleap,release=fe" -o jsonpath="{.items[0].metadata.name}")
  echo "Visit to use your application"
  kubectl port-forward $POD_NAME 8080:8668

Following that, I used the same chart again, with a different values file, to make a new Helm release for the work queue backend deployment:

$ helm install quantumleap --name wq -f wq.values.yaml
NAME:   wq
LAST DEPLOYED: Thu Jul 21 15:15:20 2022
NAMESPACE: default

==> v1/Deployment
wq-quantumleap  0/2    0           0          0s

==> v1/Pod(related)
NAME                             READY  STATUS             RESTARTS  AGE
fe-quantumleap-65ff449d48-4x2cx  1/1    Running            0         2m46s
fe-quantumleap-65ff449d48-spwjq  1/1    Running            0         2m46s
wq-quantumleap-7996dd767f-ffjl8  0/1    ContainerCreating  0         0s
wq-quantumleap-7996dd767f-sr686  0/1    ContainerCreating  0         0s

==> v1/Service
wq-quantumleap  ClusterIP  None        <none>       80/TCP   0s

1. Get the application URL by running these commands:
  export POD_NAME=$(kubectl get pods --namespace default -l "app=quantumleap,release=wq" -o jsonpath="{.items[0].metadata.name}")
  echo "Visit to use your application"
  kubectl port-forward $POD_NAME 8080:8668

At this point, as a sanity check I ran some smoke tests against all the QL pods (frontend and backend) in the K8s cluster and checked Helm was correctly tracking the two releases

$ helm list
NAME    REVISION    UPDATED                     STATUS      CHART               APP VERSION NAMESPACE
fe      1           Thu Jul 21 15:12:33 2022    DEPLOYED    quantumleap-0.1.20              default  
wq      1           Thu Jul 21 15:15:20 2022    DEPLOYED    quantumleap-0.1.20              default  

Finally, I zapped both releases

$ helm delete wq
release "wq" deleted

$ helm list
NAME    REVISION    UPDATED                     STATUS      CHART               APP VERSION NAMESPACE
fe      1           Thu Jul 21 15:12:33 2022    DEPLOYED    quantumleap-0.1.20              default  

$ helm delete fe
release "fe" deleted
c0c0n3 commented 2 years ago

hi @modularTaco, just merged your PR, thanks again for the effort you put in, I appreciate that even more knowing you did this in your own time out of your kind heart :-)

modularTaco commented 2 years ago

hi @modularTaco, just merged your PR, thanks again for the effort you put in, I appreciate that even more knowing you did this in your own time out of your kind heart :-)

No problem. Better to invest free time instead of "loosing" the time needed to create these PRs last year 👍 Thanks for merging