orchestracities / ngsi-timeseries-api

QuantumLeap: a FIWARE Generic Enabler to support the usage of NGSIv2 (and NGSI-LD experimentally) data in time-series databases
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The order of the values in crateDB #644

Open IsabelManiega opened 2 years ago

IsabelManiega commented 2 years ago

I am working with agent OPC-UA with Fiware and persisting values with Quantum Leap. I send in individual data to the agent, but the relationship in the table in crateDB is not correct.

For example, I send these values: image

In crateDB shows:

image image

current_a_rms does not match the expected value

How can I implement it?

Thank you for your time,


chicco785 commented 2 years ago

hi @IsabelManiega is the problem the precision, or the value?

if the problem is the value, I doubt the problem is quantumleap, but probably the values that are notified to it from orion. (and you can check what are the message received in the logs). if the problem is related to the precision, this essentially is related to the mapping from the NGSI model to the CRATE one. for this we will need to change the mapping in the code.

currently we map numbers to REAL, which is single precision: https://crate.io/docs/crate/reference/en/4.7/general/ddl/data-types.html
