orchestral / canvas

Code Generators for Laravel Applications and Packages
MIT License
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When running nova:action the files go into the vendor folder #34

Closed jaymeh closed 5 months ago

jaymeh commented 5 months ago


Similar to this issue #32, running a command on a package to make "Actions" and "Repeatables" (haven't tested the other nova types so this could also affect those). The outputted files get put into: /vendor/orchestra/testbench-core/laravel/app/Nova/Actions

Steps To Reproduce:

Create a new package in Laravel I'm using this skeleton by Spatie and require canvas.

  1. Run vendor/bin/canvas preset package to generate a canvas.yml file.
  2. Run the vendor/bin/canvas nova:action TestAction command.
  3. The generated view file goes inside the /vendor/orchestra/testbench-core/laravel/app/Nova/Actions folder rather than the packages src/Nova/Actions folder.
crynobone commented 5 months ago

Canvas doesn't provide replacement for custom generators.