Closed Sjors1985 closed 1 year ago
What's the full output of composer show
The composer show command returns the following information:
accentinteractive/laravel-logcleaner 1.2.0 Keep your laravel logs small and tidy.
aqlx86/envchecker 1.3.5 laravel env file checker
aspose-cloud/aspose-words-cloud 23.9.0 Open, generate, edit, split, merge, compare and convert Word documents. Integrate Cloud API into your solutions to manipulate documents. Convert PDF to Word (DOC, DOCX, ODT, RTF and HTML) and in the opposite direction.
babenkoivan/elastic-adapter v3.5.0 Adapter for official PHP Elasticsearch client
babenkoivan/elastic-client v2.1.0 The official PHP Elasticsearch client integrated with Laravel
babenkoivan/elastic-migrations v3.3.0 Elasticsearch migrations for Laravel
babenkoivan/elastic-scout-driver v3.1.0 Elasticsearch driver for Laravel Scout
babenkoivan/elastic-scout-driver-plus v4.6.0 Extension for Elastic Scout Driver
barryvdh/laravel-debugbar v3.9.2 PHP Debugbar integration for Laravel
barryvdh/laravel-dompdf v2.0.1 A DOMPDF Wrapper for Laravel
barryvdh/laravel-ide-helper v2.13.0 Laravel IDE Helper, generates correct PHPDocs for all Facade classes, to improve auto-completion.
barryvdh/reflection-docblock v2.1.1
beberlei/assert v3.3.2 Thin assertion library for input validation in business models.
bensampo/laravel-enum v6.6.4 Simple, extensible and powerful enumeration implementation for Laravel.
beyondcode/laravel-query-detector 1.7.0 Laravel N+1 Query Detector
bmitch/churn-php 1.7.1 Discover files in need of refactoring.
brick/math 0.11.0 Arbitrary-precision arithmetic library
chelout/laravel-relationship-events v2.0.0 Missing relationship events for Laravel
chillerlan/php-qrcode 4.3.4 A QR code generator. PHP 7.4+
chillerlan/php-settings-container 2.1.4 A container class for immutable settings objects. Not a DI container. PHP 7.4+
clue/stream-filter v1.6.0 A simple and modern approach to stream filtering in PHP
composer/class-map-generator 1.1.0 Utilities to scan PHP code and generate class maps.
composer/pcre 3.1.0 PCRE wrapping library that offers type-safe preg_* replacements.
composer/semver 3.4.0 Semver library that offers utilities, version constraint parsing and validation.
composer/xdebug-handler 3.0.3 Restarts a process without Xdebug.
dealerdirect/phpcodesniffer-composer-installer v1.0.0 PHP_CodeSniffer Standards Composer Installer Plugin
devizzent/cebe-php-openapi 1.0.1 Read and write OpenAPI yaml/json files and make the content accessable in PHP objects.
dflydev/dot-access-data v3.0.2 Given a deep data structure, access data by dot notation.
doctrine/cache 2.2.0 PHP Doctrine Cache library is a popular cache implementation that supports many different drivers such as redis, memcache, apc, mongodb and others.
doctrine/dbal 3.7.0 Powerful PHP database abstraction layer (DBAL) with many features for database schema introspection and management.
doctrine/deprecations 1.1.2 A small layer on top of trigger_error(E_USER_DEPRECATED) or PSR-3 logging with options to disable all deprecations or selectively for packages.
doctrine/event-manager 2.0.0 The Doctrine Event Manager is a simple PHP event system that was built to be used with the various Doctrine projects.
doctrine/inflector 2.0.8 PHP Doctrine Inflector is a small library that can perform string manipulations with regard to upper/lowercase and singular/plural forms of words.
doctrine/lexer 3.0.0 PHP Doctrine Lexer parser library that can be used in Top-Down, Recursive Descent Parsers.
dompdf/dompdf v2.0.3 DOMPDF is a CSS 2.1 compliant HTML to PDF converter
dragonmantank/cron-expression v3.3.3 CRON for PHP: Calculate the next or previous run date and determine if a CRON expression is due
egulias/email-validator 4.0.1 A library for validating emails against several RFCs
elastic/transport v8.7.0 HTTP transport PHP library for Elastic products
elasticsearch/elasticsearch v8.9.0 PHP Client for Elasticsearch
elibyy/tcpdf-laravel 10.0.0 tcpdf support for Laravel 6, 7, 8, 9
erusev/parsedown 1.7.4 Parser for Markdown.
ezyang/htmlpurifier v4.16.0 Standards compliant HTML filter written in PHP
fakerphp/faker v1.23.0 Faker is a PHP library that generates fake data for you.
filp/whoops 2.15.3 php error handling for cool kids
fruitcake/php-cors v1.2.0 Cross-origin resource sharing library for the Symfony HttpFoundation
garygreen/pretty-routes 1.0.12 Pretty routes for Laravel 5+
graham-campbell/result-type v1.1.1 An Implementation Of The Result Type
guzzlehttp/guzzle 7.8.0 Guzzle is a PHP HTTP client library
guzzlehttp/promises 2.0.1 Guzzle promises library
guzzlehttp/psr7 2.6.1 PSR-7 message implementation that also provides common utility methods
guzzlehttp/uri-template v1.0.2 A polyfill class for uri_template of PHP
hamcrest/hamcrest-php v2.0.1 This is the PHP port of Hamcrest Matchers
http-interop/http-factory-guzzle 1.2.0 An HTTP Factory using Guzzle PSR7
hyn/multi-tenant 5.9.1 Run multiple websites using the same laravel installation while keeping tenant specific data separated for fully independant multi-domain setups.
intervention/image 2.7.2 Image handling and manipulation library with support for Laravel integration
jean85/pretty-package-versions 2.0.5 A library to get pretty versions strings of installed dependencies
josegonzalez/dotenv 2.1.0 dotenv file parsing for PHP
jupitern/docx 1.0.2 docx tools - template engine, merge docx files
jurosh/pdf-merge 2.1.0 PHP PDF Merger
justinrainbow/json-schema 5.2.12 A library to validate a json schema.
kalnoy/nestedset v6.0.2 Nested Set Model for Laravel 5.7 and up
kirschbaum-development/laravel-openapi-validator 0.3.1 Automatic OpenAPI validation for Laravel HTTP tests
laminas/laminas-code 4.12.0 Extensions to the PHP Reflection API, static code scanning, and code generation
laminas/laminas-escaper 2.12.0 Securely and safely escape HTML, HTML attributes, JavaScript, CSS, and URLs
laravel/framework v10.26.2 The Laravel Framework.
laravel/helpers v1.6.0 Provides backwards compatibility for helpers in the latest Laravel release.
laravel/horizon v5.21.1 Dashboard and code-driven configuration for Laravel queues.
laravel/legacy-factories v1.3.2 The legacy version of the Laravel Eloquent factories.
laravel/prompts v0.1.11
laravel/scout v10.4.0 Laravel Scout provides a driver based solution to searching your Eloquent models.
laravel/serializable-closure v1.3.1 Laravel Serializable Closure provides an easy and secure way to serialize closures in PHP.
laravel/tinker v2.8.2 Powerful REPL for the Laravel framework.
laravel/ui v4.2.2 Laravel UI utilities and presets.
lcobucci/clock 3.0.0 Yet another clock abstraction
lcobucci/jwt 4.3.0 A simple library to work with JSON Web Token and JSON Web Signature
league/commonmark 2.4.1 Highly-extensible PHP Markdown parser which fully supports the CommonMark spec and GitHub-Flavored Markdown (GFM)
league/config v1.2.0 Define configuration arrays with strict schemas and access values with dot notation
league/flysystem 3.16.0 File storage abstraction for PHP
league/flysystem-local 3.16.0 Local filesystem adapter for Flysystem.
league/glide 2.3.0 Wonderfully easy on-demand image manipulation library with an HTTP based API.
league/mime-type-detection 1.13.0 Mime-type detection for Flysystem
league/openapi-psr7-validator 0.21 Validate PSR-7 messages against OpenAPI (3.0.2) specifications expressed in YAML or JSON
league/uri 6.8.0 URI manipulation library
league/uri-interfaces 2.3.0 Common interface for URI representation
lucidarch/lucid v1.0.11 An architecture for scalable software.
m1/env 2.2.0 Env is a lightweight library bringing .env file parser compatibility to PHP. In short - it enables you to read .env files with PHP.
m4tthumphrey/php-gitlab-api 11.11.0 GitLab API v4 client for PHP
maatwebsite/excel 3.1.48 Supercharged Excel exports and imports in Laravel
maennchen/zipstream-php 3.1.0 ZipStream is a library for dynamically streaming dynamic zip files from PHP without writing to the disk at all on the server.
markbaker/complex 3.0.2 PHP Class for working with complex numbers
markbaker/matrix 3.0.1 PHP Class for working with matrices
masterminds/html5 2.8.1 An HTML5 parser and serializer.
maximebf/debugbar v1.19.0 Debug bar in the browser for php application
mikey179/vfsstream v1.6.11 Virtual file system to mock the real file system in unit tests.
mockery/mockery 1.6.6 Mockery is a simple yet flexible PHP mock object framework
monolog/monolog 3.4.0 Sends your logs to files, sockets, inboxes, databases and various web services
mustache/mustache v2.14.2 A Mustache implementation in PHP.
myclabs/deep-copy 1.11.1 Create deep copies (clones) of your objects
namshi/jose 7.2.3 JSON Object Signing and Encryption library for PHP.
nesbot/carbon 2.71.0 An API extension for DateTime that supports 281 different languages.
nette/schema v1.2.4 📐 Nette Schema: validating data structures against a given Schema.
nette/utils v4.0.2 🛠 Nette Utils: lightweight utilities for string & array manipulation, image handling, safe JSON encoding/decoding, validation, slug or strong password generating etc.
nikic/php-parser v4.17.1 A PHP parser written in PHP
nunomaduro/collision v7.9.0 Cli error handling for console/command-line PHP applications.
nunomaduro/termwind v1.15.1 Its like Tailwind CSS, but for the console.
nyholm/psr7 1.8.0 A fast PHP7 implementation of PSR-7
orchestra/canvas v8.10.1 Code Generators for Laravel Applications and Packages
orchestra/canvas-core v8.8.0 Code Generators Builder for Laravel Applications and Packages
orchestra/testbench v8.12.2 Laravel Testing Helper for Packages Development
orchestra/testbench-core v8.12.1 Testing Helper for Laravel Development
orchestra/workbench v0.4.1 Workbench Companion for Laravel Packages Development
paragonie/constant_time_encoding v2.6.3 Constant-time Implementations of RFC 4648 Encoding (Base-64, Base-32, Base-16)
paragonie/random_compat v9.99.100 PHP 5.x polyfill for random_bytes() and random_int() from PHP 7
pdepend/pdepend 2.15.1 Official version of pdepend to be handled with Composer
phar-io/manifest 2.0.3 Component for reading manifest information from a PHP Archive (PHAR)
phar-io/version 3.2.1 Library for handling version information and constraints
phenx/php-font-lib 0.5.4 A library to read, parse, export and make subsets of different types of font files.
phenx/php-svg-lib 0.5.0 A library to read, parse and export to PDF SVG files.
php-http/cache-plugin 1.8.0 PSR-6 Cache plugin for HTTPlug
php-http/client-common 2.7.0 Common HTTP Client implementations and tools for HTTPlug
php-http/discovery 1.19.1 Finds and installs PSR-7, PSR-17, PSR-18 and HTTPlug implementations
php-http/httplug 2.4.0 HTTPlug, the HTTP client abstraction for PHP
php-http/message 1.16.0 HTTP Message related tools
php-http/message-factory 1.1.0 Factory interfaces for PSR-7 HTTP Message
php-http/multipart-stream-builder 1.3.0 A builder class that help you create a multipart stream
php-http/promise 1.1.0 Promise used for asynchronous HTTP requests
php-open-source-saver/jwt-auth 2.1.0 JSON Web Token Authentication for Laravel and Lumen
phpdocumentor/reflection-common 2.2.0 Common reflection classes used by phpdocumentor to reflect the code structure
phpdocumentor/type-resolver 1.7.3 A PSR-5 based resolver of Class names, Types and Structural Element Names
phpmd/phpmd 2.14.1 PHPMD is a spin-off project of PHP Depend and aims to be a PHP equivalent of the well known Java tool PMD.
phpmetrics/phpmetrics v2.8.2 Static analyzer tool for PHP : Coupling, Cyclomatic complexity, Maintainability Index, Halstead's metrics... and more !
phpoffice/phpspreadsheet 1.29.0 PHPSpreadsheet - Read, Create and Write Spreadsheet documents in PHP - Spreadsheet engine
phpoffice/phpword 1.1.0 PHPWord - A pure PHP library for reading and writing word processing documents (OOXML, ODF, RTF, HTML, PDF)
phpoption/phpoption 1.9.1 Option Type for PHP
phpseclib/phpseclib 3.0.23 PHP Secure Communications Library - Pure-PHP implementations of RSA, AES, SSH2, SFTP, X.509 etc.
phpstan/extension-installer 1.3.1 Composer plugin for automatic installation of PHPStan extensions
phpstan/phpdoc-parser 1.24.2 PHPDoc parser with support for nullable, intersection and generic types
phpstan/phpstan 1.10.37 PHPStan - PHP Static Analysis Tool
phpstan/phpstan-beberlei-assert 1.1.2 PHPStan beberlei/assert extension
phpstan/phpstan-phpunit 1.3.14 PHPUnit extensions and rules for PHPStan
phpunit/php-code-coverage 10.1.6 Library that provides collection, processing, and rendering functionality for PHP code coverage information.
phpunit/php-file-iterator 4.1.0 FilterIterator implementation that filters files based on a list of suffixes.
phpunit/php-invoker 4.0.0 Invoke callables with a timeout
phpunit/php-text-template 3.0.1 Simple template engine.
phpunit/php-timer 6.0.0 Utility class for timing
phpunit/phpcov 9.0.2 CLI frontend for php-code-coverage
phpunit/phpunit 10.3.5 The PHP Unit Testing framework.
pimple/pimple v3.5.0 Pimple, a simple Dependency Injection Container
pion/laravel-chunk-upload v1.5.2 Service for chunked upload with several js providers
predis/predis v2.2.2 A flexible and feature-complete Redis client for PHP.
psr/cache 3.0.0 Common interface for caching libraries
psr/clock 1.0.0 Common interface for reading the clock.
psr/container 2.0.2 Common Container Interface (PHP FIG PSR-11)
psr/event-dispatcher 1.0.0 Standard interfaces for event handling.
psr/http-client 1.0.3 Common interface for HTTP clients
psr/http-factory 1.0.2 Common interfaces for PSR-7 HTTP message factories
psr/http-message 1.1 Common interface for HTTP messages
psr/http-server-handler 1.0.2 Common interface for HTTP server-side request handler
psr/http-server-middleware 1.0.2 Common interface for HTTP server-side middleware
psr/log 3.0.0 Common interface for logging libraries
psr/simple-cache 3.0.0 Common interfaces for simple caching
psy/psysh v0.11.21 An interactive shell for modern PHP.
qossmic/deptrac-shim 1.0.2 deptrac phar distribution
ralouphie/getallheaders 3.0.3 A polyfill for getallheaders.
ramsey/collection 2.0.0 A PHP library for representing and manipulating collections.
ramsey/uuid 4.7.4 A PHP library for generating and working with universally unique identifiers (UUIDs).
rector/rector 0.18.4 Instant Upgrade and Automated Refactoring of any PHP code
respect/stringifier 0.2.0 Converts any value to a string
respect/validation 2.2.4 The most awesome validation engine ever created for PHP
riverline/multipart-parser 2.1.1 One class library to parse multipart content with encoding and charset support.
sabberworm/php-css-parser 8.4.0 Parser for CSS Files written in PHP
sebastian/cli-parser 2.0.0 Library for parsing CLI options
sebastian/code-unit 2.0.0 Collection of value objects that represent the PHP code units
sebastian/code-unit-reverse-lookup 3.0.0 Looks up which function or method a line of code belongs to
sebastian/comparator 5.0.1 Provides the functionality to compare PHP values for equality
sebastian/complexity 3.0.1 Library for calculating the complexity of PHP code units
sebastian/diff 5.0.3 Diff implementation
sebastian/environment 6.0.1 Provides functionality to handle HHVM/PHP environments
sebastian/exporter 5.1.1 Provides the functionality to export PHP variables for visualization
sebastian/global-state 6.0.1 Snapshotting of global state
sebastian/lines-of-code 2.0.1 Library for counting the lines of code in PHP source code
sebastian/object-enumerator 5.0.0 Traverses array structures and object graphs to enumerate all referenced objects
sebastian/object-reflector 3.0.0 Allows reflection of object attributes, including inherited and non-public ones
sebastian/recursion-context 5.0.0 Provides functionality to recursively process PHP variables
sebastian/type 4.0.0 Collection of value objects that represent the types of the PHP type system
sebastian/version 4.0.1 Library that helps with managing the version number of Git-hosted PHP projects
sentry/sdk 3.5.0 This is a metapackage shipping sentry/sentry with a recommended HTTP client.
sentry/sentry 3.21.0 A PHP SDK for Sentry (
sentry/sentry-laravel 3.8.0 Laravel SDK for Sentry (
setasign/fpdf 1.8.6 FPDF is a PHP class which allows to generate PDF files with pure PHP. F from FPDF stands for Free: you may use it for any kind of usage and modify it to suit your needs.
setasign/fpdi v2.4.1 FPDI is a collection of PHP classes facilitating developers to read pages from existing PDF documents and use them as templates in FPDF. Because it is also possible to use FPDI with TCPDF, there are no fixed dependencies defined. Ple...
slevomat/coding-standard 8.13.4 Slevomat Coding Standard for PHP_CodeSniffer complements Consistence Coding Standard by providing sniffs with additional checks.
soundasleep/html2text 2.1.0 A PHP script to convert HTML into a plain text format
spatie/backtrace 1.5.3 A better backtrace
spatie/data-transfer-object 3.9.1 Data transfer objects with batteries included
spatie/flare-client-php 1.4.2 Send PHP errors to Flare
spatie/ignition 1.11.2 A beautiful error page for PHP applications.
spatie/image 2.2.7 Manipulate images with an expressive API
spatie/image-optimizer 1.7.1 Easily optimize images using PHP
spatie/laravel-activitylog 4.7.3 A very simple activity logger to monitor the users of your website or application
spatie/laravel-http-logger 1.10.2 A Laravel package to log HTTP requests
spatie/laravel-ignition 2.3.0 A beautiful error page for Laravel applications.
spatie/laravel-medialibrary 10.13.0 Associate files with Eloquent models
spatie/laravel-package-tools 1.16.1 Tools for creating Laravel packages
spatie/laravel-permission 5.11.0 Permission handling for Laravel 6.0 and up
spatie/laravel-ray 1.33.0 Easily debug Laravel apps
spatie/laravel-translatable 6.5.3 A trait to make an Eloquent model hold translations
spatie/macroable 2.0.0 A trait to dynamically add methods to a class
spatie/ray 1.39.0 Debug with Ray to fix problems faster
spatie/temporary-directory 2.2.0 Easily create, use and destroy temporary directories
squizlabs/php_codesniffer 3.7.2 PHP_CodeSniffer tokenizes PHP, JavaScript and CSS files and detects violations of a defined set of coding standards.
symfony/config v6.3.2 Helps you find, load, combine, autofill and validate configuration values of any kind
symfony/console v6.3.4 Eases the creation of beautiful and testable command line interfaces
symfony/css-selector v6.3.2 Converts CSS selectors to XPath expressions
symfony/dependency-injection v6.3.5 Allows you to standardize and centralize the way objects are constructed in your application
symfony/deprecation-contracts v3.3.0 A generic function and convention to trigger deprecation notices
symfony/error-handler v6.3.5 Provides tools to manage errors and ease debugging PHP code
symfony/event-dispatcher v6.3.2 Provides tools that allow your application components to communicate with each other by dispatching events and listening to them
symfony/event-dispatcher-contracts v3.3.0 Generic abstractions related to dispatching event
symfony/filesystem v6.3.1 Provides basic utilities for the filesystem
symfony/finder v6.3.5 Finds files and directories via an intuitive fluent interface
symfony/http-client v6.3.2 Provides powerful methods to fetch HTTP resources synchronously or asynchronously
symfony/http-client-contracts v3.3.0 Generic abstractions related to HTTP clients
symfony/http-foundation v6.3.5 Defines an object-oriented layer for the HTTP specification
symfony/http-kernel v6.3.5 Provides a structured process for converting a Request into a Response
symfony/mailer v6.3.5 Helps sending emails
symfony/mime v6.3.5 Allows manipulating MIME messages
symfony/options-resolver v6.3.0 Provides an improved replacement for the array_replace PHP function
symfony/polyfill-ctype v1.28.0 Symfony polyfill for ctype functions
symfony/polyfill-iconv v1.28.0 Symfony polyfill for the Iconv extension
symfony/polyfill-intl-grapheme v1.28.0 Symfony polyfill for intl's grapheme_* functions
symfony/polyfill-intl-idn v1.28.0 Symfony polyfill for intl's idn_to_ascii and idn_to_utf8 functions
symfony/polyfill-intl-normalizer v1.28.0 Symfony polyfill for intl's Normalizer class and related functions
symfony/polyfill-mbstring v1.28.0 Symfony polyfill for the Mbstring extension
symfony/polyfill-php56 v1.20.0 Symfony polyfill backporting some PHP 5.6+ features to lower PHP versions
symfony/polyfill-php72 v1.28.0 Symfony polyfill backporting some PHP 7.2+ features to lower PHP versions
symfony/polyfill-php80 v1.28.0 Symfony polyfill backporting some PHP 8.0+ features to lower PHP versions
symfony/polyfill-php83 v1.28.0 Symfony polyfill backporting some PHP 8.3+ features to lower PHP versions
symfony/polyfill-uuid v1.28.0 Symfony polyfill for uuid functions
symfony/process v6.3.4 Executes commands in sub-processes
symfony/psr-http-message-bridge v2.3.1 PSR HTTP message bridge
symfony/routing v6.3.5 Maps an HTTP request to a set of configuration variables
symfony/service-contracts v3.3.0 Generic abstractions related to writing services
symfony/stopwatch v6.3.0 Provides a way to profile code
symfony/string v6.3.5 Provides an object-oriented API to strings and deals with bytes, UTF-8 code points and grapheme clusters in a unified way
symfony/translation v6.3.3 Provides tools to internationalize your application
symfony/translation-contracts v3.3.0 Generic abstractions related to translation
symfony/uid v6.3.0 Provides an object-oriented API to generate and represent UIDs
symfony/var-dumper v6.3.5 Provides mechanisms for walking through any arbitrary PHP variable
symfony/var-exporter v6.3.4 Allows exporting any serializable PHP data structure to plain PHP code
symfony/yaml v6.3.3 Loads and dumps YAML files
symplify/easy-coding-standard 12.0.8 Use Coding Standard with 0-knowledge of PHP-CS-Fixer and PHP_CodeSniffer
tecnickcom/tcpdf 6.6.5 TCPDF is a PHP class for generating PDF documents and barcodes.
thecodingmachine/phpstan-safe-rule v1.2.0 A PHPStan rule to detect safety issues. Must be used in conjunction with thecodingmachine/safe
thecodingmachine/safe v2.5.0 PHP core functions that throw exceptions instead of returning FALSE on error
theseer/tokenizer 1.2.1 A small library for converting tokenized PHP source code into XML and potentially other formats
tijsverkoyen/css-to-inline-styles 2.2.6 CssToInlineStyles is a class that enables you to convert HTML-pages/files into HTML-pages/files with inline styles. This is very useful when you're sending emails.
tjvb/githash 1.2.0 Get the current git hash from your project.
tjvb/laravel-githash 1.4.0 Get the current git hash from your project, show it in your blade or add it to your logs.
tjvb/laravel-mail-catchall 4.2.0 Catch all mail in Laravel and redirect it to a configured email address
tomasvotruba/lines 0.5.0 Measuring the size of PHP project
touhidurabir/laravel-stub-generator 1.0.7 A laravel package to generate class files from stub files.
vlucas/phpdotenv v5.5.0 Loads environment variables from `.env` to `getenv()`, `$_ENV` and `$_SERVER` automagically.
voku/portable-ascii 2.0.1 Portable ASCII library - performance optimized (ascii) string functions for php.
webmozart/assert 1.11.0 Assertions to validate method input/output with nice error messages.
zbateson/mail-mime-parser 2.4.0 MIME email message parser
zbateson/mb-wrapper 1.2.0 Wrapper for mbstring with fallback to iconv for encoding conversion and string manipulation
zbateson/stream-decorators 1.2.1 PHP psr7 stream decorators for mime message part streams
Not sure why it's not installing latest orchestra/canvas
and orchestra/canvas-core
which would have fixed this issue.
I've solved the problem by running the following command:
composer update orchestra/canvas orchestra/canvas-core
When I try the following commands to update the named packages separately, no upgrade will be executed:
composer update orchestra/canvas
composer update orchestra/canvas-core
Is there a known reason the named packages couldn't be updated separately? If not, it could be a local issue in my project.
Never seen such issue, composer update
should just work fine.
Alright, thanks for your help.
I will close this issue.
The listed error below occurs, when the named versions were applied in composer.json.
Steps To Reproduce:
We are running
composer install
with the named versions and than the given error occurs.