orchestructure / presentations

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Chris Short presenting for January #3

Closed InAnimaTe closed 6 years ago

InAnimaTe commented 6 years ago

Talked with Chris at the end of 17' and he was super interested in doing a presentation. He has many good ones that he can cherry pick from. I also suggested a slight twist which he liked:

I like your lightning talk from gophercon. I think touting the usability and simpleness of Go would be good. I also like your devops readme lightning talk but instead of just books, maybe talking about other resources as well. Maybe some sort of combination of these two where you talk about how "traditional Ops" guys can slowly get into the "Dev" side of a modern DevOps position? i.e. An Approach to Dev from an Ops' Perspective: Resources and playing with Go

The January meeting would fall on the 31st of the month. I will also be opening up the floor to 2-5 minute lightning talks, among other announcements ;)

Lets use this thread to finish getting this presentation planned out and I'll make the meetup event.

chris-short commented 6 years ago

I do love the blending of talks idea. I need to cobble together an outline though to make sure it'll fit in the 20-30 minute time slot.

InAnimaTe commented 6 years ago

For sure. If it needs to extend a bit longer like 40 minutes, that's ok. As long as there is enough material to keep everyone sufficiently engaged for that long. Also, taking questions throughout the presentation will help keep it interactive.

InAnimaTe commented 6 years ago

@chris-short there's a lot of talk around your Docker is Dead post...you'll most certainly want to talk about (maybe in a lightning talk capacity) and get asked about it. Definitely be sure to talk about DevOps'ish as well.

@mrbobbytables any updates on a definitive location?

mrbobbytables commented 6 years ago

We are good to use the Solution zone for this month.

InAnimaTe commented 6 years ago

That is fantastic news! @chris-short I just need a presentation title and short desc. and I can post the meetup.

InAnimaTe commented 6 years ago

The meetup has been posted: https://www.meetup.com/orchestructure/events/246812066/

Working with Chris to iron out the presentation details and will update the meetup with it. Going to close.