orcoastalmgmt / cmecs

CMECS is a comprehensive national framework for organizing information about coasts and oceans and their living systems.
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Correct Definitions for B2.5.2.1 in Metadata and Legends #28

Open tchaddad opened 6 years ago

tchaddad commented 6 years ago

There is no value in the data of, which is a good thing because an Algal Bed is not Aquatic Vascular vegetation, it’s Benthic Macroalgae, so it’s correct in the data.

Enumerated_Domain: Enumerated_Domain_Value: Enumerated_Domain_Value_Definition: Algal Bed (Aquatic Bed - Aquatic Vascular Vegetation) Enumerated_Domain_Value_Definition_Source: Coastal and Marine Ecological Classification Standard (CMECS) version 4.0.

tchaddad commented 6 years ago

The correct label for Class B25.2.1 is ‘Seagrass Bed’, and the correct definition is:

Tidal aquatic vegetation beds dominated by any number of seagrass or eelgrass species, including Cymocedea sp., Halodule sp., Thalassia sp., Halophilla sp., Vallisnera sp., Ruppia sp., Phyllospadix sp., and Zostera sp. Seagrass beds may occur in true marine salinities, and they may extend into the lower salinity zones of estuaries. Seagrass beds are complex structural habitats that provide refuge and foraging opportunities for abundant and diverse faunal communities in shallow waters. Seagrass beds require a specific set of ecological conditions for success, and they are generally perceived as areas of high environmental quality.

tchaddad commented 6 years ago

fixed in legends