orcoastalmgmt / orSeaSketch

Repo for tracking issues with Oregon SeaSketch
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Add bathymetry data layer #37

Open mmosesOCMP opened 4 years ago

tchaddad commented 4 years ago

There is already a bathymetrry layer behind the reports, so I just need to know what exactly you want to show here - shaded relief, contours, other?

mmosesOCMP commented 4 years ago

The oceans basemap shows some low resolution bathymetry, but other than that I'm not aware of a bathymetry datalayer.

mmosesOCMP commented 4 years ago

@DrewLanier Do you think a contour layer such as that pictured below will suffice in place of a full bathy layer?


DrewLanier commented 4 years ago

I'm struggling with this one. My initial response is yes, it would be okay to just provide the contours, as the reefs should be identifiable in the lithology. However, seeing the bathymetry is something I think our public will want, and I support that as a longer term data layer to add.

tchaddad commented 4 years ago

So I think we still need clarity on what is desired - what do you mean by "seeing the bathymetry" - do you mean color shaded DEM, a hillshaded DEM, some other form of cartography?

DrewLanier commented 4 years ago

Could we add the State waters survey products available here: http://activetectonics.coas.oregonstate.edu/state_waters_download.htm ?

I guess to answer your question specifically, yes, a color shaded DEM would be great. In our MarineMap kml file, we linked to these products and they were available if you were looking at the map at a large scale.