orcoastalmgmt / orSeaSketch

Repo for tracking issues with Oregon SeaSketch
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Potential additional PISCO data #47

Open mmosesOCMP opened 3 years ago

mmosesOCMP commented 3 years ago

PISCO has the following data available that could be included in the tool, and we need to decide what we want and how best to visualize it:

Here are the projects we have available for you to use - (I excluded all of our manipulative experiments because I doubt those would be helpful to the public).

Community surveys - Annual surveys of low, mid, and high intertidal zones at 7 sites (Fogarty, Boiler Bay, Yachats, Strawberry Hill, Cape Blanco, Port Orford Heads, and Rocky Point). I believe you guys already have some of this data. For this project, we have data for 2008-2019. I noticed the web mapping tool only has data from MARINe sites - or at least it appears that way. We can distill that data down further to make it easier for you to incorporate, if you are interested.

Belt Transects - Population and size structure for Pisaster (from 2001-2019) in 5 5x2m transects, and Leptastarias (from 2015-2017) at 10 sites (Fogarty, Boiler Bay, Otter Rock, Roads End, Yachats, Strawberry Hill, Tokatee Klootchman, Cape Blanco, Port Orford Heads, and Rocky Point).

Vertical Transects - This project includes 5 vertical transect permanent plots that span from the low zone to the high zone at 10 sites in Oregon (Fogarty, Boiler Bay, Otter Rock, Roads End, Yachats, Strawberry Hill, Tokatee Klootchman, Cape Blanco, Port Orford Heads, and Rocky Point). We track mobile predator densities and sizes (including Nucella spp. Leptastarias and Pisaster), Mussel % cover, and the percent cover of functional groups in the low zone. This project was installed in 2015 and is ongoing. We also have photos of a 1m wide area along the entirety of each transect, so more data can be gathered from these photos if you have any target species or specific questions. We would need a little funding to process these photos if you are interested in a target species or specific question.

Tide heights - We use MLLW to locate all of our projects on the shore. As you probably know, these can be geotagged and could stand in for depth. I'm unsure how you are mapping the elevation function, but if you are interested in these data, they exist.

Kelp Surveys - You briefly talked with Sara Hamilton about these, and I'm unsure about what data she has and what she is willing to share. I will touch base with her after her orals on Thursday to get you two in contact.