orcoastalmgmt / orSeaSketch

Repo for tracking issues with Oregon SeaSketch
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Human --> Safety Data Layers Folder #8

Closed mmosesOCMP closed 4 years ago

mmosesOCMP commented 4 years ago

Many data layers in this folder are not loading/visualizing on the map, and none seem to have legend information.

The layers of concern are:

Anchorage Areas Danger Zones and Restricted Areas Formerly Used Defense Sites (Unexploded Ordnance) Transit Counts - All Vessels (2016) Wrecks and Obstructions

tchaddad commented 4 years ago

Same problem as the other Marine Cadastre layers, source is here:


tchaddad commented 4 years ago

NOTE: This issue should really be broken out into one issue for each of the component problem layers.

tchaddad commented 4 years ago

Replaced "Transit Counts - All Vessels (2016)" with a folder of counts from 2017 broken out by vessel type.

tchaddad commented 4 years ago

Fixed Anchorage Areas

tchaddad commented 4 years ago

Fixed Danger Zones and Restricted Areas

tchaddad commented 4 years ago

Fixed Wrecks and Obstructions

tchaddad commented 4 years ago

Fixed Formerly Used Defense Sites

tchaddad commented 4 years ago

I think this covers all the items for this ticket, so closing...