ordinals / ord

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verify unique image via ord client (eg. sha-256 value) #1973

Open rocktoshi opened 1 year ago

rocktoshi commented 1 year ago

Goal: to confirm whether or not a file has already been inscribed, thus making it easier to avoid unintentional duplication for prospective inscribers.

Possible implementation: use sha-256 value

Suggested commands:

ord unique foo.png

return either: true - this file has not yet been inscribed

or: false - this file has already been inscribed: (followed by a list of inscription numbers of the same file

nammaki commented 1 year ago

Hash-addressed content is much needed, highly requested and should be simple to implement: https://github.com/casey/ord/issues/1539, https://github.com/casey/ord/issues/1685, https://github.com/casey/ord/issues/1762, https://github.com/casey/ord/issues/1771 🚀

schlunsen commented 1 year ago

Checkout https://ordeets.com/uniqueness until we get it implemented into the ord client

grdddj commented 1 year ago

I have set up a website that is handling image similarity - and it is possible to find identical and similar picture ordinals through uploaded image or ord ID - https://ordsimilarity.com/