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How to spend the UTXOs on a "commit tx recovery key" address? #2054

Open passcore42 opened 1 year ago

passcore42 commented 1 year ago

I transferred funds to a "commit tx recovery key" address generated by ord. The balance is visible in my Bitcoin Core wallet, but I can't spend the funds. When I try to inscribe, it shows an error message. error: Failed to send commit transaction because: JSON-RPC error: RPC error response: RpcError { code: -26, message: "non-mandatory-script-verify-flag (Witness program was passed an empty witness)", data: None } When I try to transfer out, it shows: error: JSON-RPC error: RPC error response: RpcError { code: -6, message: "Signing transaction failed", data: None }

I imported the recovery phrase into Sparrow wallet, but the UTXOs in these addresses cannot be displayed. How can I resolve this issue?

cryptaralex commented 1 year ago

I have this same issue. Missed a step of adding to bitcoin.conf to expand the 25tx limit and now have a ton of sats stuck on addresses where the reveal was never sent.

casey commented 10 months ago

I'm a little confused about what a "commit tx recovery key" address is. What are the steps you used to get the address?

huguojunsy commented 2 months ago

I'm a little confused about what a "commit tx recovery key" address is. What are the steps you used to get the address?

I have this same issue,you can get the "commit tx recovery key" address by command "bitcoin-cli.exe listunspent",but the address and utxo don't show in ord and Sparrow wallet.

huguojunsy commented 2 months ago

There are some others here who have encountered the same issue.


loon3 commented 2 months ago

from what I was able to gather, the reason bitcoin core can't just send the commit tx output is because it's not aware of the specific script path that ord uses which at the very least includes the rune name (possibly the supply, minting specifics, etc. not sure if thats in the op_return or in the witness)

so somehow will need to add that information to the createrawtransaction in bitcoin-cli so that the spend conditions are satisfied, my guess is it's stored in the wallet redb in ord but no idea how to recover it

huguojunsy commented 2 months ago

I'm a little confused about what a "commit tx recovery key" address is. What are the steps you used to get the address?

I have this same issue,you can get the "commit tx recovery key" address by command "bitcoin-cli.exe listunspent",but the address and utxo don't show in ord and Sparrow wallet. image

This utxo can display in 0.18.1 ord.exe as a cardinal,But :

  1. if it is sent through the command line “ord send”, it will report an error:"Unable to sign transaction".
  2. if use this canrdinal to inscribe,it will report error:JSON-RPC error: RPC error response: RpcError { code: -26, message: "mandatory-script-verify-flag-failed (Witness program was passed an empty witness)", data: None }
raphjaph commented 2 months ago
