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Allow including metadata when burning inscriptions #4045

Closed casey closed 1 week ago

casey commented 2 weeks ago

Allow including CBOR metadata, from a CBOR or JSON source, when burning inscriptions.

If the OP_RETURN burning an inscription includes a data push immediately after the OP_RETURN, deserialize it as CBOR and display it on the inscription page below the inscription.

Because OP_RETURNs are not executed, there is no need to split metadata into 520 chunks, so we only consider the first data push after the OP_RETURN. This leaves additional data pushes free for some future use case.

I think we should consider whether or not we want to do this. I like the idea of being able to include a message when burning an inscription. But, it does modify the way an inscription appears on /inscription. However, you can already effectively add images by adding a child inscription, so I think this doesn't really make a difference.