This causes the spot light cone and point light distance indicators to be invisible.
Expected Behavior
The cone/distance indicators should be visible.
Current Behavior
They default to invisible unless you go into graphics settings and crank up the specular hightlight for that individual light. Every time you create one.
Used AI_Graphics Version
Reproduced on release 0.3.3 and the SSS Bugfix experimental branch
Steps to Reproduce
Spawn a spotlight or pointlight in otherwise virgin studio scene. Observe missing guide indicator.
This causes the spot light cone and point light distance indicators to be invisible.
Expected Behavior
The cone/distance indicators should be visible.
Current Behavior
They default to invisible unless you go into graphics settings and crank up the specular hightlight for that individual light. Every time you create one.
Used AI_Graphics Version
Reproduced on release 0.3.3 and the SSS Bugfix experimental branch
Steps to Reproduce