oreillymedia / HTMLBook

Let's write books in HTML!
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Support for "article" from DocBook #98

Open Crell opened 10 years ago

Crell commented 10 years ago

I have a large DocBook project I am considering converting to HTMLBook. However, it has a few attributes that don't seem to fit right now.

Most notably, most of the "Books" in this project are not collections of chapters but of free-standing articles. Each article has its own author, publication date, revisions, etc. That doesn't really fit the "chapter" model, but DocBook also allows for an article element to suit that use case. HTMLBook has a chapter concept, but no concept of an article. Even the HTML5 article tag appears to be missing.

How would I model that? Or is it an indication that HTMLBook should incorporate the article element or a section with article data type?

Crell commented 10 years ago

Any thoughts here? "Collection of articles" is a rather common type of book, but I don't know how to mark it up.

rbramley commented 9 years ago

This would be useful for a current project where I'm looking at utilising HTMLBook. In this case multiple articles (and news items) are authored and published straight through to the website; this content is subsequently assembled for reuse in journal/magazine products, which is where I see the book datatype coming into play.

tmorris commented 8 years ago

Echoing the sentiments above, particularly: "Even the HTML5 article tag appears to be missing". I'd like to see the concept of article supported.

richhart commented 8 years ago

+1 for the article tag support. That would be great.