oreporan / wePlayMin

WePlay - the social football managing app
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facebook authentication #24

Closed oreporan closed 8 years ago

oreporan commented 8 years ago

@nirla - ok, I am able to send myself a token via Postman, on the server side, it goes to FB to authenticate and gives me this back :

{ provider: 'facebook', id: '10152458452348639', displayName: '', name: { familyName: 'Poran', givenName: 'Ore', middleName: '' }, gender: '', emails: [ { value: 'oreporan@gmail.com' } ], photos: [ { value: 'https://graph.facebook.com/10152458452348639/picture?type=large' } ], _raw: '{"id":"10152458452348639","last_name":"Poran","first_name":"Ore","email":"oreporan\\u0040gmail.com"}', _json: { id: '10152458452348639', last_name: 'Poran', first_name: 'Ore', email: 'oreporan@gmail.com' } }

oreporan commented 8 years ago

@nirla - lets keep this thread open for discussing the fb login.

I updated the README so you can see how to send a fb login request (after you have a token)

oreporan commented 8 years ago

This is what we talked about nir - There is a open bug in this library, so there is nothing we can do for now....Your client needs to know how to handle this 500 Internal Server Error .

"Yes the login works, but if someone visits /auth/facebook/callback?code=anythinghere it will throw a 500 error and display the entire stacktrace to them..."

Github issue : https://github.com/jaredhanson/passport-facebook/issues/100