org-formation / aws-resource-providers

A community driven repository where you can find AWS Resource Type Providers for different purposes (including org-formation ones).
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unauthorized access #1

Closed OlafConijn closed 4 years ago

OlafConijn commented 4 years ago

hi! got quite far on my own.

ran cfn generate && npm run build && cfn submit --region us-east-1 in the folder org/organizationalunit ran aws cloudformation create-stack --stack-name organization --template-body file://example-template.yml --region us-east-1 in the rootfolder.

template gets build, etc. stack gets created (pretty magical!!). but in the events i get Error: You don't have permissions to access this resource. any ideas?

eduardomourar commented 4 years ago

I believe you have to pass a execution role arn when submitting:

eduardomourar commented 4 years ago

You can probably pass the role already used by orgformation because we know that works.

OlafConijn commented 4 years ago

as the right role seems to be generated into the resource-role.yml figured this would be deployed and used by the cfn tool?

now passing in the role cfn submit --region us-east-1 --role-arn arn:aws:iam::xxxxxxxxxxxxxx:role/ResourceProviderTest

which has administrative access can be assumed by but this doesnt seem to make a difference

OlafConijn commented 4 years ago

changed the assume-role policy to allow also didnt seem to be 'it'. lets have a look at this together some time.

eduardomourar commented 4 years ago

yes, that is right, but i believe you need more permissions as described here: