org-id / register

A register of organisation identifier lists
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PROPOSAL: Federal Republic of Somalia, Ministry of Interior & Federal Affairs SO-MOIFA #207

Closed amy-silcock closed 6 years ago

amy-silcock commented 6 years ago


The name of the list, or the organization that manages the list

Federal Republic of Somalia Ministry of Interior & Federal Affairs

A suggested code for the list [optional]


The country or countries that the list covers

Whole of Somalia

Any specific sectors that the list covers

International NGOs

One or more examples of identifier from this list, and how you found them

Ref: 0081 2017 (Registration lasts one year - found on a registration certificate)

timgdavies commented 6 years ago

As noted in #206, we need to confirm whether this is a registration of a legal entity, or only the confirmation of right for an existing legal entity potentially registered in some other jurisdiction, to operate in a given country.

timgdavies commented 6 years ago

Further investigation suggests that Somalia does not currently assign stable identifiers to NGOs - only yearly certificates of operation with a reference number.

Given this, fallback options from should be explored, such as UN-OCHA's list of those who have had funds through the Financial Tracking System (FTS)

matmaxgeds commented 5 years ago

@timgdavies - let me know if there is anything I can help with here as I speak with the Somali Ministry of Planning most weeks, and could also fish out my Puntland contacts e.g. to figure out if there is a stable ID list somewhere.