org-scn-design-studio-community / sdkpackage

SDK Package of SCN Design Studio Community
Apache License 2.0
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SAP Design Studio 1.6 SP4 patch 1 || SCN Extension Issues #153

Closed lalohv closed 7 years ago

lalohv commented 7 years ago


Recently we updated our dev server to SAP Design Studio 1.6 SP4 patch 1, also we updated the clients.

At first client launch, it pops up a window with a migration wizard for extensions (we already had installed SDK 3.0 stable version), after that, I made a test app using UI5 Table 2.0. When I added the component it doesn’t appear in the canvas but appear in the layout folder. After adding UI5 2.0 component I add more components but they doesn’t appear in canvas either, even if those components don’t belong to the extensions

ds_1 6_sp4_pt1

Is there a programed update of SDK for 1.6 SP4 patch 1?

MartinPankraz commented 7 years ago

Hi Eduardo,

With SP4 the UI5 version must have been changed. The issue is with a method of the UI5 Table which has been renamed. The old one does not exist anymore so that the whole app crashes. I replaced it with the new one on our preview branch. You can update from here

Luckily the new method was present on older library versions too so we can fix for all SPs in one go.

Let us know if you find any more glitches.

Kind regards Martin

KarolKalisz commented 7 years ago

just installed SP4 to check. Thanks Martin for beeing quicker. Btw. this change in UI5 is not making me happy... It means also that paginator is not available any more, right?

MartinPankraz commented 7 years ago

Yes, that is correct Karol. The property is deprecated. Only the scrollbar is allowed now.

lalohv commented 7 years ago

Thank you Martin, It was a quickly fix.

I just installed the update and it works, this help me a lot

Regards, Eduardo