organicinternet / magento-configurable-simple

Enhancement to Magento to allow simple product prices to be used instead of the default special-case configurable product prices
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not working in magento #224

Open avijit12 opened 9 years ago

avijit12 commented 9 years ago

1)Getting sql error 2)Indexing (price) not working

please waiting for solution

Avijit Nanda

Devrons commented 9 years ago

having the same issue.

insit commented 9 years ago

I just fixed the Indexing product prices issue on my environment, latest 1.9.1 Apparently there is a difference between the Configurable.php class of the package installed via Magento Connect and this one Compared it via GIT and this one adds two columns called group_price and base_group_price to the $select and $outerSelect objects.

So use this class io the one in the package and the re-indexing should work. Fixes displaying wrong prices in products overview pages. For the rest awesome extension, can't understand why Magento does not offer this functionality by default, XCart does.

Devrons commented 9 years ago

Not to be a dunce, but could you tell me where Configurable.php is located. I have run a search and browsed through all of the folders to no avail. Thank you for your help!

insit commented 9 years ago

/app code community /OrganicInternet /SimpleConfigurableProducts /CatalogInventory /Model /Mysql4 /Indexer /Stock /Configurable.php

You can try to get it from here:

2015-02-09 2:47 GMT+01:00 Devrons

Not to be a dunce, but could you tell me where Configurable.php is located. I have run a search and browsed through all of the folders to no avail. Thank you for your help!

— Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub .

phele commented 9 years ago


I followed your instruction to replace Configurable.php file with the updated file, but I get this error when indexing Product Prices.

Fatal error: Call to a member function setTypeId() on a non-object in /home/advertising/public_html/ on line 278

I'm using Magento Please help!


CasperMunk commented 9 years ago

I get the same error as phele. Does anybody have an idea how to fix this?

EDIT: Seems like this fork is updated and works with

phele commented 9 years ago

Wow. After unsuccessfully trying this fix on version, and 1.8.10, I read the reviews from and found out that the path to replace Configurable.php should be app/code/community/OrganicInternet/SimpleConfigurableProducts/Catalog/Model/Resource/Eav/Mysql4/Product/Indexer/Price/

It's working for me on those version now. Good luck, everyone!

kevinm2 commented 9 years ago

Should the latest package be downloaded from MagentoConnect or here (Github)? If the latest should be downloaded from github, can I just copy the file structure to my magento folder? Or it has to be done through MagentoConnect?

SheriSmith commented 9 years ago

Like Phele said, you need to create the folder Price/ in app/code/community/OrganicInternet/SimpleConfigurableProducts/Catalog/Model/Resource/Eav/Mysql4/Product/Indexer/

Then you need to add the Configurable.php file to the newly made Price/ folder.

Don't use Magento Connect. Download the zip folder from Github. Don't forget to clear the cache, log out and log in for good measure.

This works in CE 1.9. Yay!

mrcodexcy commented 8 years ago

As everyone mentioned above, if you install the SCP through magento connect you might end up with a broken installation which I believe the problem lies when Magento extracts the files the length of that directory and file are way too long (more than 260 chars) thus the problem.

jasmeetdd commented 7 years ago

@phele and @kevinm2 and @SheriSmith and @mrcodexcy Thanks buddy you saved me a life. I was asking my client to buy this extension:- as I thought SCP was not compatible with 1.9.0. He was not ready to buy that extension. But you made my life. I have downloaded the latest version from GitHub. Copied the new configurable.php file from:- To:- app/code/community/OrganicInternet/SimpleConfigurableProducts/Catalog/Model/Resource/Eav/Mysql4/Product/Indexer/Price/ And viola! Life Saved.

Thanks @kevinm2 for asking that very important question and thanks @SheriSmith & @mrcodexcy for answering it.

Thank You!

npire1 commented 7 years ago

I have tried the above i.e have replaced the file with the one from pastebin and It works as before except when you pick the simple product from the drop down list, suddenly the screen duplicates itself and creates another copy to the right. Only way to stop It is to put the product page as zero columns. scp Is affecting my theme layout ?

SheriSmith commented 7 years ago


Are you clearing out all of your cache? Magento cache and any other cache like memcache, apc, cloudflare, etc? Logging out and in again?

Did you download the zip file directly from Github and not Magento Connect?

If yes to all of the above, start from scratch and do it all over again, it's possible that in the downloading and unzipping of everything that something got messed up.

If it is still messed up, then switch to the default Magento theme. If after switching themes you see that it works, then you know your problems have to do with your theme.

npire1 commented 7 years ago

Hi Thanks

Well I have It all loaded via magento connect and then I have "Copied the new configurable.php file from:- To:- app/code/community/OrganicInternet/SimpleConfigurableProducts/Catalog/Model/Resource/Eav/Mysql4/Product/Indexer/Price/

So should I uninstall the magento connect version then download a version from Github ? If so I cant find the Github version ?

Thanks again

npire1 commented 7 years ago

I have cleared the cache and reindexed etc but I am not sure how to clear memcache, apc, cloudflare, etc

Yes If I uninstall scp then the issue goes away but changing theme does not help.

SheriSmith commented 7 years ago

Yes, you need to uninstall the Magento Connect Version. Be sure to clear out all cache and reindex after you uninstalled it, and log out and in for good measure.

Go to:

Click on the green download button. You will need to have FTP and/or SSH shell access to your server to handle this zipped file. Then you can add the Price/ folder and copy the configurable.php file to that new folder. Be sure the folder has 0755 permissions.

Clear your Magento Cache, reindex and log out and in again. This should fix everything.

You will have to see if you have any other kinds of cache associated with your server and/or website. If you don't know of any, then you probably don't have anything beyond the cache that is built into Magento.

npire1 commented 7 years ago

Oh great, I get you ok I will give It a go...

Many thanks, big help :)

npire1 commented 7 years ago

That's fixed !!!

Thank you so much for all the help :)

fairport commented 7 years ago

Hello.. I have just upgraded from to and I am getting the exact same error message as @phele PHP Fatal error: Call to a member function setTypeId() on boolean in ..../public_html/app/code/core/Mage/CatalogInventory/Model/Resource/Indexer/Stock.php on line 278

Reindexing throws a 500 error and the error_log file gets the error message above.

I have "Copied the new configurable.php file from:- To:- app/code/community/OrganicInternet/SimpleConfigurableProducts/Catalog/Model/Resource/Eav/Mysql4/Product/Indexer/Price/

Not fixed. Any new ideas on this issue? Has anyone else upgraded to w/o issues ?


jasmeetdd commented 7 years ago

Well if you are going to use Magento 1.9.x , then I would suggest you to stick to Magento 1.9.0 only. It is compatible with most of the major plugin.

Whenever I upgraded I got serious problems. You can still install critical security updates though.

fairport commented 7 years ago

That is not very helpful at all. I have been on for several years.

The last "critical" patch I installed broke the images browse & upload buttons away. It introduced some functionality & in that version, they no longer use flash for uploading images.

Any other sugestions ?